[…] Joe Biden Just Announced, “We’re Under Attack” | Eagle News Source — Read on eaglenewssource.com/winner/joe-biden-just-announced-were-under-attack-2/ […]
We’ve been under attack from Democrats trying to kill us for years. Why is this surprising? Our government can find a contact in the desert if they wanted it, so every word from them is a LIE.
O Biden let the china balloons fly over the USA. He let the drones fly and flying over us. And now he wakes up and things we are being spied on. Now in his last days in office he gets upset…Amazing.
America has been under attack the past 4 years from the corrupt,anti-american Demonrats administration
Absolute Fact.
[…] Joe Biden Just Announced, “We’re Under Attack” | Eagle News Source — Read on eaglenewssource.com/winner/joe-biden-just-announced-were-under-attack-2/ […]
We’ve been under attack from Democrats trying to kill us for years. Why is this surprising? Our government can find a contact in the desert if they wanted it, so every word from them is a LIE.
Corruption to the core for decades.We all know who started this.We need Trump back!!
You are so right! Amen
O Biden let the china balloons fly over the USA. He let the drones fly and flying over us. And now he wakes up and things we are being spied on. Now in his last days in office he gets upset…Amazing.