If a WHITE Politician said this, it’d be WW3!! | Buddy Brown



Is she forgetting that her husband is white??

It didn’t take the debate for me to worry about Old Joe…he’s been feeble and a disaster for the past 3 years


  1. She and her “kind”, both black and white are the real racists. Obama started the race card and it’s only escalated from there. The only racists are those that are spewing the hatred. Blacks are waking up to the race cards that they were issued and are now realizing it was never the majority that were racists but the leftist politicians spreading the hatred. Look at Biden’s history in the senate. Divide and conquer is the motto of the left. Unite and live in harmony is the right way. I sure hope that the majority of the “woke” are soon awakened so we all can live in peace. God Bless America and all of her citizens! Trump/Vance 2024!!

  2. Actually, even though I dislike her immensely, I feel sorry for her. She can’t seem to put three words together that make sense. That’s sad. Yes, she is very obviously a racist except for her chosen few. Whether anyone believes in biblical principles, there is one principle that holds true anytime; whatever you sow you will reap some day. Watch out.

  3. Watch how fast she becomes … Good niger for the white masters … just another puppet for the democrats. Can you say loser ???

  4. I wonder how Hillary sleeps at night these days? Knowing how close she came and here’s Harris knocking on the door to her being the first female president!! At least she can take comfort that unless Biden resigns the office this is about as close as Harris gets there!! Trump 2024!!!

    • Oh, this is good. I never thought of that Hillary got beat out by the dumbest bitch on the planet. What’s that tell you about how really smart the voters are. Even a basket of deplorables had Hillary’s number and now we’re got Kamals’s number. Suck it, Hillary.


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