I Asked Black People About Kamala Harris, What Happened Next Is INSANE


What do voters really think of Kamala Harris? We asked. Here’s what they said


She was a slave owner. She kept 1200 black men beyond their sentence for free labor. That’s slavery.

That kind of ignorance is why this country is so screwed up. Utter stupidity with these people.


  1. Anybody i better than Trump! He can’t put two good sentences together.
    And those hand gestures….does he have a nervous tic? And his first term as President was a MESS.

      • The only reason the economy was good at the beginning of Trump’s term was because he inherited a stable economy from Obama’s eight years of dealing with the 2008 real estate meltdown. He left a mess when he lost in 2020 (a Pandemic, people unemployed, businesses closed). Do not blame prices on the government, blame it on people’s greed to make more money

    • You must have been out of the country for 4 years! As far as not putting 2 good sentences together, you must speak in Bidenese. Kamala’s word salads must make sense to you. I guess you think that the state of America right now is the best it’s ever been. Another brainwashed minion.

    • It’s good to know someone’s life is better under the Biden/Harris/Obama admin.You are a rare specimen, everyone I know is struggling in this GREAT economy.
      It’s too bad for all the people who have been killed by all the nice illegal aliens being escorted into our Country by our govt. and npos. Our tax dollars are hard at work giving them free housing, food, clothing, credit cards, phones, healthcare, legal representation,… Not to mention all the terrorist cells that have been invited in, wonder what they are doing now? Oh, they are just here to give back to América. Where have all the military aged illegal alien men gone, and where are all the missing children? Lest not forget all the illegals dying, being killed and raped on their wondrous trek to America- how humane. But Trump is the one who wants to separate families and put kids in cages? That is a Obama thing.
      Get real, do your research, open your eyes and actually think for yourself people. The left wants to destroy this country- their motto- own nothing, have nothing, be nothing. They are doing a great job making that happen.
      Anyone with a brain knows the attempted assignation of Pres. Trump stinks of a govt. hit, they will do anything to get rid of him and they will keep trying until they succeed.
      Everything happening in the US, our government has done to other countries to destroy them and now it is being turned against its own citizens.
      So many of the so called conspiracy theories are not just theories anymore.
      Is Donald Trump a perfect person? Is there such a thing? Is he amazingly articulate – does he need to be? Does he have a big ego and does not like to lose? Those are traits that have made him a strong leader. Above all he is someone who loves this Country and wants to make it strong and respected again, not the weak laughing stock we have become, to take care of Its citizens first, I can live with that.
      Something else to think about- so many of the Trump haters did not hate him until he became President- many actually liked him or wanted to do business with him.Donald J Trump is NOT a politician- that is why they hate him, and why so many people believe in him.
      The last thing I will say, beware of false flags- there are more to come.

  2. I have never seen so many ignorant people in my life being interviewed in this video. It is obvious they have no common sense at all. It is too bad that people vote strictly for their race, rather than voting for a person who is actually strong for American Citizens and cares about all American in our society today.

    • I’m so sick of you dumb ass people that do t know shit. Stop saying shit out of your mouth or ass. Dumb ass trump separated kids from their parents which many are still separated. He didn’t give a fuck. How about you being separated from your mother as a kid, never to see them again. Stop giving that crazy bastard for anything positive!!! He inherent a positive economy from Obama, and he immediately destroyed and dismantled it. He a Adderall dope, you’re right know nothing about politics. He game Americans nothing and cut the taxes for the billionaires. You should know what you’re talking about before writing about it. Dumb trump said he loves the uneducated, that’s YOU! Check out 2025 project rules that sico have for all you dumb ass people, that love and trust him HAHAHA. He’s a felon and a dumb liar, but he got you dummy.

      • Obummer kept kids in cages your LIBTARDED media kept out of the news look it up stupid!!you sound like a brain washed sheep meat head!! Look at California and the shit show it has become because REMEDIAL PEOPLE LIKE YOU are too stupid to use your little brains and vote against bad politicians like Gavin greusume aoc Nancy piglosi stop preaching dumb ass shit about your democRATic party and how they are for this country

  3. If people are that ignorant. Do not try and explain it to them. Lack of evidence is one thing. But when there is evidence, and they still do not get it. That is plain stupidity. Samples, yes; Hillary paid people to lie about Trump being helped by Russia. She did deny the 2016 Election. She destroyed hard drives, phone records, and emails. Trump helped get the vaccine approved. Dr. Fauci and others said it could not be done. Invermectin and hydroxecloroquin are proven to work. This was called misinformation. Now we know the vaccines are questionable. Trump did not know that. Trump sent a ship, beds, doctors, masks, and supplies to New York. Cuomo sent infected patients into nursing homes. Trump closed travel to and from China. Called the virus a China virus. Again, called that misinformation. Virus is from China. Dr. Fauci was involved. And NIH was funded by the American people and others. He knew. Unaccountable. January 6. Oh my. Trump said, “You go patriotically and peacefully to the Capitol.” Now known that 67,000 plus votes were ineligible, another 37,000 plus should have been taken off the voter rolls, and so on. This is Washington D.C. Other counties and states had similar. It is the law that every city and state clean voting rolls every two years. Most took none or very few. Pelosi was offered the National Guard days before. Proof there was not only Trump Supporters there. Mainstream Media continues to lie about Trump. Ashley Babbitt killed by Capitol Police. The Capitol Police Officer admitted he should not have shot her. He was put in a hotel. He was black. She was white. He did not even face a court. Trump kept Iran, China, and North Korea in check. Border was relatively secure. Had wall built. Trump’s buildings were worth more. Banks said they would do business again. No one lost money. Trump in fact donated thousands to charities. Classified documents were set-up by FBI. Anyway, Trump is allowed to have. Biden is the careless one. He lied. He did pack some of his stuff. Claimed he did not. Blamed Trump for putting illegal immigrants in cages. Obama had those built. Mainstream Media and FBI lied about Hunter’s laptop which contains proof Biden was bribed. Shown big money, written checks, and phone records. Hidden before election. Even now, being denied. Repairman threatened. There is more. Have not even completed all the lies and bad policies of Biden.


  4. So why is the DNC hiding Kamala Harris and not letting her speak to Journalist in a true sit down JOINT interview or a town hall with Fox.? WHAT DID WE GET WITH Joe Biden when he wasn’t pressed by an open and trueful press.


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