He completely EXPOSED them!!!!!



Gaetz is a total American savage and badass.
Trump is spot on nominating him for AG.

If they hate him. He’s the one you want. Remember. We did not vote for the status quo.


  1. I’d bet that the deep state paid off the women making accusations against Gaetz. Have you seen his wife? Why would he stray? It’s all because Gaetz keeps getting closer to the truth about our government and passing it on to the citizens. It’s not going to matter what the RINO’s do. Trump will get Gaetz approved. One way or another.

    • I agree 100% . I am a woman and despise other women that make lies up about others, especially Men. I believe when proven wrong, they should pay all cost because of it . Time to start holding them accountable for there actions. What we have learned over time, these women were paid to cause harm. If this was a Law this BS would stop! Praying Trump will get all his appointees.

    • I don’t pay any attention to the Dems “exposing” yet another one of their enemies. They don’t have a different playbook because that’s all they’ve got. It’ll be interesting, to say the least, who’s on Epstein’s list and Diddy’s tapes. The accusers will become the accused in a whole different sick and perverted way! They’re trying to take the focus off of themselves.

  2. This is a repeat of how the ‘The Swamp’ has treated anyone that threatens their hold on power and exposes their corruption. This treatment goes all the way back to the 1950’s when Sen. Joe McCarthy exposed the Communist infiltration into American society. He was crucified by the media and his fellow politicians as a radical anti-Communist kook. Thing is though, history has proven him correct in his assessment. Trump is considered an existential threat to ‘The Swamp’ and so are his carefully selected appointees. The Swamp is an exclusive ‘country club’ that doesn’t want ‘outsiders’ to interfere with their on-going scam of the American taxpayer. They are so predictable, that anything they are against — I’m for! Screw them! Go MAGA!

  3. The Swamp doesn’t even have enough sense to change up their play book if a nominee by Trump upsets them then he or she is definitely the right choice for the cabinet or position that needs to be replaced for the Good of the American peoples even those who don’t or can’t realize that they have been brainwashed and deceived by the Democrats and their policies and any person or persons that supports any lifestyles that God refers to as sinfulness cannot be a servant or true believer of Gods Word but a hypocritical liar and opportunist and 99.9 % of the Far left and Democratic politicians fit that description perfectly we all know Woke Hollywood and the alleged Elites live in their own fantasy bubble and they are paid mouth pieces and good for nothing but being the court jesters your opinions are worthless and irrelevant and the lies will be exposed the best clip or statement to date is that the sanctuary cities are about to explode with immigrants that have a fear of deportation and maybe they will get a bitter taste or a mouthful of just what they have been promoting and perpetuating on We the People it’s my hope that any sanctuary city and its inhabitants will be denied the opportunity and freedom to vote and their Electoral delegates removed and all forms of government support denied to these cities and their demographics no matter what they need or why be that natural or unnatural and all supplies /utilites for the demand of these Zips be terminated by land sea and air !!! We the People are hungry for truth and justice and we will have it along with secure borders we are not against immigration we are against the deceitful policies and the illegal migration practices that have caused harm to our citizens and its health and the trafficking of drugs and children through our communities Trump did his best to keep his promises and was slandered by Pelosi and her sycophants and hindered by them but what they fail to recognize is that they have exposed themselves for what they truly are Greed and Power corrupts and they have put a beacon on themselves for easy identification for being flushed like the excrement they are and represent

  4. Not to mention the woke leftist media and talk shows are paid mouth pieces by the establishment and moguls that pull their strings and edit the propaganda they push! spineless vipers slithering in our houses. the more the left squeals and complaining The more We the People are convinced that Trump and his choices are on the right track to repair the wounds that Diaper Joe and his corrupt establishment has caused and anyone who truly believes that Vice Hoe spent a 1.3 and is 20 million in the hole is naive at best I don’t care who you are . liars are liars they continue to deceive the Americans people it’s just her stealing from her own party because she can

  5. Magas are despicable people, and their hateful comments proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. The progressives will always be there to save Democracy from the PUTIN, and Kim Jun Un Lovers.the HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY SUPPORTERS, THE magas virmins. And COCKROACHES. GOD SAVE OUR 🇺🇸 USA.


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