Ghetto Mother ARRESTED After SLAPPING Principal To Ground Who Saved Her Kids During Basketball Game!



“Modern black women: loud, obnoxious, entitled.”

This again proves: Stereotypes exists for a reason.

Next week, these women will be on The View with Whoopie and Hostin talking about racism in America.


    • The principal put her hand up because the woman was getting, aggressively, in her personal space. Tell me you wouldn’t put your hand up when a person is aggressively getting in your face. The principal couldn’t move because she was sitting in a chair.

  1. When are black men going to stop creating kids with these types of women. If they are not in the home, the men are just as responsible for letting these women raise their kids.

    • the “rain forest” type of culture doesn’t have rules and regulations. IT is the law of the “rain forest” (the jungle to the sane, law abiding people that work and pay taxes for the lazy & unproductive) in socialist Amerika. The rules of LBJ from 61 years ago must be cut off, NOW. Death to tyrants AND the unGREATful SOCIETY. We have 4 years to “get er dun”. Let’s start the day after Michael (Marxist) Luther King day.

  2. Ghetto b–h. Black women have had a extraordinarily high impression of their self-worth.. Look at the made-up names. “Queen” seems to be one of the more common to indicate that they are deserving of all the welfare they receive and need more compensation just for being black. Any good will between the races is obliterated by these animals who squeeze out meal ticket welfare babies like toothpaste. They add NOTHING to America or Society. We need more jail time, more prisons for them. They UNDERSTAND nothing else. Kindness, assimilation are out of the question when you are dealing with a rabid animal.

    • jails ? for repeat offenders? I say Make American Compost RICH & LUSH Again. use IT in the “communist gardens” that We the People are paying for in the Gaza strips AKA: ghettos in the jungle. Send a message to future thugs…. “we gon puut yo ass in du gronn”


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