FBI Behind Trump Hotel Attack? Conspiracy or Coincidence?



FBI CIA biggest waste of money in US history.

Thank you Mr. Gardner and Mr. Shaffer for sharing this! It makes so much sense as to what the purpose has been for Biden administration’s appointees. May God have mercy on us!


  1. Government agencies have no desire to SOLVE ANY PROBLEMS. They make their living by “addressing” problems and lose that lucrative living if their agencies allotted problem is no longer a problem. Mark Millie’s modern “WOKE” military degrades our capacity to be safe in this world or even within our own borders. At what point does oversight of Islam confront the fact that a central tenet of the Quran is the conversion of the entire population of the world by any means necessary? Ray and Mayorkas can show up now or be dragged in by the Marshalls later. Schwab is a self admitted Malthusian, saying the carrying capacity of the Earth is ” Less than a Billion people “, only too eager to crash the size of Human population with artificial shortages, man mad pandemics, and multiple sub nuclear wars

    • Great comments. You are accurate and I second it. Those moslems who claim they do not cause violence, do fiancially support the mosques that fund the violence so they are complicit either directly or directly. So they become irrelevant since these alleged peaceful moslems do not condemn the violence of the alleged extremist moslems. Ottoman Empire and Ghengis Khan Mongols all forced moslem conversion or they tortured, raped women and young babies to force people to convert and if some still did not convert, they were imprisoned, enslaved or murdered. Research on Google the length of this conquering centuries of violence and crime against every country: Europe, N. Africa, Middle East and now in N America Australia. Leaders who are fools and refuse to read the truth and history are doomed to repeat it.

  2. It’s time to make major changes and massive firings at the FBI/CIA !
    Clean house and install top notch leaders to give us the best for our country !!!


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