Lockdowns made my mother a prisoner in an assisted living facility where she was neglected and her dementia progressed immensely from lack of social interactions. She never really understood what the virus was, she just knew that we stopped visiting. Facetime does not make that better, especially when she didn’t quite get how to use it, so we spent a lot of time looking at the inside of her ear. They had a “prison room” where we could stand outside and look at her through a window and use a phone to talk to her, but she understandably didn’t want to do this. She never had the virus, but she certainly suffered because of it.
The worst part to me was that people had their choices taken away. If I’m 80 & there’s a slight chance I might die from a disease, but the alternative is sit in my home alone until I die from old age, I choose to take my chances.
There was no pandemic, it was entirely made up to destroy as many lives as possible!!!!
Wake up the Jews are in control of all of Pharma, NIH, FDA & CDC
with the plan to depopulate the planet
we messed with the plan
With Artificial Intelligence and the developement of robots, the power elite of/on this planet don’t need humans to perform all the tasks that humans are paid to perform. Humans would be too costly to feed and house. So,say goodbye people.
So, medical professionals and scientists were cowards, for not coming forward with the truth. They should have protected the elderly and sick, but allow others to live their lives. The reaction to Covid was disgusting. Fauchi should meet “Old Sparky” on national television.
Agreed, Fauci was the so called gov’t expert because it was his research that led to Covid’s development. He tried to separate himself from the virus but the evidence shows otherwise. Fauci is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide, but his arrogance won’t allow him to confess. While, like JJ, I would like to see him fry in the “electric chair”, I would prefer seeing him strung up by his balls while his skin is ripped from his body a strip at a time! Blackfoot style
Fauci is a traitor and should be treated as such!
Don Spilman, I agree. There was no pandemic. I didn’t get the Covid jabs and neither did my hairdresser. We both stayed healthy. Imagine that. “Dr” Fraudci is pure evil. He’s an animal torturer and a people torturer. He gets his jollies out of torturing helpless animals to death, in the most horrific ways imaginable. Fraudci is a weak wimp of a man, so torturing helpless animals makes him feel powerful.
Fraudci should be strapped to a gurney. Do the same things to him that he did to helpless animals, until he croaks. Or, hang him by the neck in a public square. Do the hanging very gradually, so he suffers as much as possible. Watch his eyes bulge out as the noose gradually tightens and he struggles to breathe. Have it on TV. Grab a beer, some popcorn, and enjoy.
When did Fauci tell the truth? He said whatever the audience wanted to hear on any given day. Fauci killed more people than he saved and should be in jail for the damage he’s done to our children.
I’m still dealing with the effects of my husband’s death from covid in 2021.
I still have long covid, diagnosed by my Dr. Who thought, at first, I would get better. Paying for home care has taken all of my savings and I can’t afford to pay for it any longer. That demon ruined the last years of my life and took my husband’s life from him and from me.
Our 53 years of marriage was just coming up to his retirement. He loved his work and hadn’t retires at age 77 when he passed,without me at his side. It’s a long miserable story, and it’s getting longer and more intolerable by the hour. Death is too good for that demon.