Elon Musk Makes Host Go Quiet with This Chilling Warning


Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Elon Musk explaining to Lex Fridman why he is endorsing Donald Trump in the 2024 election and what he fears is at stake if he loses.


No way, Elon and Donald in the same interview??? Can’t wait to see that!

Elon Musk summed up the level of agreement that the woke require for all their ideas: 100% agreement for everything they think and do. It’s ludicrous and childish. Oh, and you have to admire them as well. And not speak.


  1. Plain old common sense and yet over 50% of the entire population, mostly Democrats, don’t have any. The power of propaganda, the lure of pleasure and the fecklessness of human beings is amazing. What a fall it is going to be.

    • Yes, it is called the dumbing of America! 50% of the people have no idea what is going on in our government, and our media who is bought and paid for by the Dems have not tole the truth in 8 years, so the morons have no idea what they are voting for…..all the bells and whistles that Harris is proposing, is leading us to Communism and these morns are clapping and giving her standing ovations, and she is leading us to the slaughter house……wake up you morons, Trump is not the enemy, Obama, Harris and Waltz are the enemies!

  2. Liberty or death. Christ or chaos, Safety or anarchy. Fairness or corruption. Representative republic or corrupt democracy (MOB RULE). RED states need to separate from this evil empire. no matter who wins in Nov. Amerika is going to burn

  3. Both on the same team, is really a good sign. theyare going to pull the same thing they did in 2020, steal the election, we can’t let that happen again, Musk is a patriot, not a fool and will help us win the election. The dumbocraps have printed and spent us in to bankruptcy, intentionality, and screwed over the middle class and poor, all these illegals are taking your jobs. This is on purpose, because voters got fed up with dumbocrap liars and cheaters, and won’t vote for them. All these illegals let in are taking your place for votes, what do think about that? Jobs gone to people who don’t belong here, it will destroy our country, period. No jobs, means, criminal activity to survive, thanks dumbocraps, when they kill someone in your family, u might think different. Insanity by this corrupt administration, has made people very, insanely, mad.


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