Democrats LOSE THEIR MINDS As Republican REFERS WOKE Sanctuary City Mayors For CRIMINAL PROSECUTION!



“This is why you have 6% approval rating bc you suck at answering questions”

I’m not impressed until I see an arrest.


  1. Denver Mayor, Magic Mike Johnston, raised in the wealthy resort community of Vail, Colorado, – his DADDY WAS THE MAYOR there, has every reason to keep cheap, stupid, illegal migrants here. His cronies in the Resorts of Aspen, Vail, Dillon, Breckenridge need them to do all the scut work of cleaning, washing, shoveling, repairing, cooking ,etc. HE HAS skin in the game. Again folks….. HE HAS SKIN IN THE GAME, he doesn’t give a flying fk for Denver or its citizens or the complete destruction of a once beautiful. historic city. He is bull dozing the city with tax, more tax, lies, projects that will never see completion. He needs to be gotten rid of, one way or another.. Jail is a good place to start.. This douche bag looks like a fart smells, He even said he’d get all the soccer moms and march to the city limits , along with Denver PD, to keep the migrants from being deported…..SOCCER MOMS, for gawds sake???????? What a manly- man.,,, greedy, deceptive bastard!!!!!!!!! Wonder what sort of kick back comes from the RESORTS, who got him elected???

  2. IF giving “aid & comfort” to criminals is against the law, WHY are they not being arrested? ANSWER: socialism. shut your mouth and send the IRS half of what you produce every year. Now. tell me again, how FREE you are in the DSSA (Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika)

  3. They should shut off Presley’s microphone. With her loud mouth, she doesn’t need one. Illegal immigration is a scam to enrich demoncrats buddies and themselves and to secure their future votes.

  4. The poor illegals work for change, while the U.S. Taxpayer get’s slammed so these mayors can laugh about how cheap it is, but it’s a blatant lie! Arrest them!

  5. How did they get elected? Well, the idiot voters elected them. The idiot voters can wake up, smell the coffee, and vote them out of office. The voters never approved, nor voted for, becoming a “sanctuary” city. The liberal politicians did this to us.

  6. Enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Sanctuary cities are, By definition,
    Defiant of Federal policy including US 8 ss 1324 and 1325 that clearly states that it is a Federal felony to harbor persons that have come into the country illegally against apprehension by federal authorities ( ICE ). The Federal supremacy clause is still the law, however much this is denied by the Democrat party. Start putting Democrat leadership in JAIL to get their attention. maybe a lot of them , for a long time.

  7. James, you are correct. Sanctuary cities are defiant of federal policy. It’s a felony to harbor and abet illegal aliens. The question is, does our government have the chutzpah to do anything about it? Do we have the intestinal fortitude to start putting duly elected Democrap mayors and governors in jail? I doubt it.


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