Crazy Black Woman Goes After Man Wearing Trump Shirt At Target



This woman demonstrates why we need to vote Republican.

He should press charges for hate crime and sexual harrassment for ordering him to strip.


  1. Just one more moronic democrat who thinks the fake charges, 99% of which have either been over turned or thrown out, constitutes Trump being a felon. Truth lady is your Biden and Harris are the real felons for opening the border, trying to remove the constitution, claiming to be what they are not and spewing lies every time they open their mouths. Both have been trying to destroy your freedoms and America Too bad you don’t have the brains and eye sight to see that. Vote the traitor Harris in and say good by to everything that makes this country great and free.

  2. The demonrats are all insane! I had one, who happened to be a friend, tell me she should just rip my Trump shirt off. I told her to go ahead and try and see what happens.

      • only a coward would allow the “inferior” or “unhinged” to choose what they can wear. Just like the idiots in gov’t. want to choose the weapon of choice, I need to protect myself, family and property… Not in this lifetime. The gov’t. is responsible for keeping the “right of way” clear. Run over them, pay the fine for littering…. NEXT !

  3. Shows just how stupid one are, she’s fighting for a lier crying she’s black when she’s not. But then most democrats are just as stupid for beliving she will do what her and old Joe said they would do in the last 4 years. How’s that working out for you ??? What the hell did she and Joe do in the last 4 years beside ine their pockets. They did nothing to help the people that voted them in office. Guess yall don’t care about that. Blacksvoting for democrats are their own worse enemies. They vote for the white supremacist they cry about. Face it harris isn’t the answer she’s just another puppet the democrats use to stand up in front of you. She’s not calling any shots just like Biden didnt. Are yall really that stupid ???


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