CNN FORCED TO ADMIT Trump Told Truth About Immigrant Surgery! w/ Drea de Matteo



Just like the USA Today article titled, “Trump FALSELY Claims Harris Failed Her Bar Exam”. Four paragraphs into the article it states, “Harris failed her bar exam”.

She’s pretty damn specific when answering these questions about transgender surgery but when asked how she’ll make life more affordable for the average citizen, we get to hear about her middle class upbringing and their pride in their lawns!!


  1. People in America better start waking up to the Corruption and Lies and Violence that the Democrats are doing before they totally destroy America. But I guess some people don’t care about the Country and the American people there’s a lot of immigrants that want to change to a Socialist like were they came from.

    • welcome to the club. My history books said, this crap started 163 years ago, when the republic was destroyed by an atheist, racist tyrant named Abraham Lincoln. Stupid sheeople still love him today? Know not that they are slaves in his Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika today. Since Nov. 22 1963, we have become an oligarchy. enjoy

  2. Why should illegal aliens get anything from us (trans surgeries and all kinds of stuff). I’ll tell you what they should get – deportation back to their home countries. We owe these invaders nothing.

  3. It’s been this way since obama. But his rhetoric, lies and bigotry were ignored only because he was black.
    obama could do no wrong. And whatever he said people were afraid to speak against him or be labeled a bigot. Just because he flaunted his race and threw it in our faces didn’t mean he was right. Unless you were a lying, bigoted democrat or part of the fake news media. Today a fake African American is picking up where he left off. And the fake news is backing kneepad harris just like they did the democrat god obama…

      • the same hypocrites that were upset that barry boy obama wouldn’t call moooooslimes terrorist, were the same cowards that wouldn’t call him a communist N1663R from Kenya. GOD hates hypocrites, so do I.

  4. A person would be foolish to believe the democrat party’s news media is going to tell the truth about anything, with the exception of maybe sport scores, while also adding how evil Miss Katlin Clark is for being white.
    Journalism in the United States is a disgrace!

    • IF you allow the press in your area to lie, they belong to you too. Only slaves have no control of their environment. RED states need to separate from this evil empire called Amerika, like the founders and Jesus said to do. We are slaves to the STATE, because we don’t obey or resist. Going along is never a good strategy (cowardly)

  5. Obummer got away with his crap because he had charm, grace, and he could speak eloquently. Cackling Kammy has none of that. Cackling Kammy isn’t black. On all her previous applications, she listed her race as “white”. As Trump once quipped, “I didn’t know she was black. When did she turn black?”

  6. Caitlin Clark refused to endorse cackling Kammy. This indicates that Caitlin is much more intelligent than Tayor Swift. Swiftie sunk to a new level of the septic tank with her airheaded endorsement of cackling Kammy.

  7. Leslie; yes, I suppose Obummer had speech writers. I didn’t know he had teleprompters and fumbled when not rehearsed or written in front of him. Obummer is a smooth, suave, polished professional liar. He must have majored in Lying when he was in college.

    • but of course, “we” will never know what he came from (communist training school, just like Marxist Luther King and Rosa Parks in Tennessee 1958)

  8. All these left jerks should be deported …..they are trying to trans form our country to what they want…..better option you people just leave
    our country….AND DON’T COME BACK!!!!! Never seen such ungreatful
    leftest trying to take over!!! Just get the _ _ _ _ OUT!!! NOW!!

  9. I agree. Deport all the illegal invaders. They’re taking over some of our cities right now. They’re like a cancer that needs to be cut out. If they aren’t deported, they’ll pop kids and overtake America. America will become a brown, Spanish speaking third world cesspool.

  10. It seemed to all have started when we elected Obama knowing he was not born in America. He was raised in America but according to his grandmother in Kenya he was born there, and she was at the birth. She was on television and proudly stated they were at the beach when his mother went into labor, and he was born later that night. She was so happy. They shut her up pretty quick because he was running for President. He later got what he called his (birth certificate) From the hospital where he said he was born. Only one thing wrong with that. That was not the name of the Hospital the year he was born. FAKE
    Obama voted on CHANGE. He had two terms then they decided to let Bidon be President and Obama would run things and Bidon just sign whatever they told him to sign. Now he plans for a 4th term running things for kamala, Send Obama packing he has done enough damage to this country. Trump is the only one that can save America from these lying democrats. they will stop at nothing to stop him Obama has already called Kamala and called her his girl. He plans on a 4thterm

    • Funny Kumalot– Kamel-face “Kl-m-d-ia” Harry-A$$ was born in California but she moved to Canada as a child with her mother only. Then they returned to US and KAM went to university in the US & Law school. She failed the LAW BAR exam the first time, had someone else took it in her place the second time – CHEATER WORTHLESS HUMAN. She got the jobs she had by sleeping with Mayor Willard Brown of San Franscico when he was 60 and married and she was old maid 29 yr old. He gave her jobs that granted salaries of approximately $400,000 back then for just attending a couple of meetings per month. She was born intersex/hermaphrodite and she had surgery very young to correct her to female. Hence, that maybe the reason she never had children as usually those with that condition at birth are sterile also that is why she loves to see women abort babies as misery loves company because she is envious she cannot get pregnant. KAM’s father born in Jamaica to IRISH father (Catholic Christian and he practiced Catholicism Christianity) his ancestors moved to Haiti to own slaves and her father’s mother was from Eastern India (hindu). They all placed CAUCASIAN on their birth certificates – definitely KAM’s father is light skinned and straight hair, white type features – not African appearance. Kam’s mother was born in East India to East Indian parents and her mom placed CAUCASIAN on her birth certificate – her mom practices Hinduism as Kam’s father divorced her mother when she and sister were young and the mother then influenced the religion to Hindu – that is why years ago she stated she practices Hindu and she is Indian – American. KAM is a LIAR AND FRAUD AND FAKE – she will not admit to this – you can look up records yourself. SHE DOES NOT HAVE BLACK AMERICAN NOR AFRICAN BLOOD IN HER. EASTERN INDIANS ARE BY DEFINITION CAUCASIAN. AND CHECK HER BIRTH CERTIFICATE – IT WILL LIST HER AS CAUCASIAN – NO MENTION OF AFRICAN-HAITIAN NOR BLACK HAITIAN.

  11. My first time seeing it. great program. This is the ONE WORLD GOV coming to control all into souless slaves like machines TRANS-HUMAN. DREA is CORRECT – they are desensitizing children and adults to use TRANS- first transgender then it graduates to transhuman – putting 666 SATANIC microchip either on the hand or forehead – taking all property rights, meat eating rights, and fossile fuels – gov with the ANTI-CHRIST leader 1 % of BILLIONAIRE OR TRILLIONAIRE who will own the world’s wealth will have happiness freedom and rights. They will target conservatives and TRUE CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS WITH THREATS TO COMPLY OR TORTURE AND MURDER, IS THE PUNISHMENT FOR BELIEVING IN LORD JESUS CHRIST AND OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT – SEE BOOKS: REVELATION, THESSALONIANS, AND DANIEL


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