CNN FORCED TO ADMIT Trump Told Truth About Immigrant Surgery! w/ Drea de Matteo



Just like the USA Today article titled, “Trump FALSELY Claims Harris Failed Her Bar Exam”. Four paragraphs into the article it states, “Harris failed her bar exam”.

She’s pretty damn specific when answering these questions about transgender surgery but when asked how she’ll make life more affordable for the average citizen, we get to hear about her middle class upbringing and their pride in their lawns!!


  1. People in America better start waking up to the Corruption and Lies and Violence that the Democrats are doing before they totally destroy America. But I guess some people don’t care about the Country and the American people there’s a lot of immigrants that want to change to a Socialist like were they came from.

  2. Why should illegal aliens get anything from us (trans surgeries and all kinds of stuff). I’ll tell you what they should get – deportation back to their home countries. We owe these invaders nothing.

  3. It’s been this way since obama. But his rhetoric, lies and bigotry were ignored only because he was black.
    obama could do no wrong. And whatever he said people were afraid to speak against him or be labeled a bigot. Just because he flaunted his race and threw it in our faces didn’t mean he was right. Unless you were a lying, bigoted democrat or part of the fake news media. Today a fake African American is picking up where he left off. And the fake news is backing kneepad harris just like they did the democrat god obama…

  4. A person would be foolish to believe the democrat party’s news media is going to tell the truth about anything, with the exception of maybe sport scores, while also adding how evil Miss Katlin Clark is for being white.
    Journalism in the United States is a disgrace!

  5. Obummer got away with his crap because he had charm, grace, and he could speak eloquently. Cackling Kammy has none of that. Cackling Kammy isn’t black. On all her previous applications, she listed her race as “white”. As Trump once quipped, “I didn’t know she was black. When did she turn black?”

  6. Caitlin Clark refused to endorse cackling Kammy. This indicates that Caitlin is much more intelligent than Tayor Swift. Swiftie sunk to a new level of the septic tank with her airheaded endorsement of cackling Kammy.

  7. Leslie; yes, I suppose Obummer had speech writers. I didn’t know he had teleprompters and fumbled when not rehearsed or written in front of him. Obummer is a smooth, suave, polished professional liar. He must have majored in Lying when he was in college.

  8. All these left jerks should be deported …..they are trying to trans form our country to what they want…..better option you people just leave
    our country….AND DON’T COME BACK!!!!! Never seen such ungreatful
    leftest trying to take over!!! Just get the _ _ _ _ OUT!!! NOW!!


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