I love when CNN cuts off Interviews, it shows how worthless they are.
When did it become normal for the interviewer to constantly interrupt the person being interviewed? She doesn’t even let him answer questions, so what is the point of interviewing anyone?
This CNN reporter is doing the same thing as all the liberal reporters do. She is trying to make a name for herself by asking a question and then talking over the person and not letting them answer the question. In my opinion she is making a fool of herself on live TV. But, lucky for her, only low information liberals watch CNN, and that is why they are low information. OH, If we could only find a cure for liberalism.
Why would anyone even attempt to go on these BS news outlets when they don’t even give you a chance to answer any questions they ask,especially when it comes someone giving an answer they don’t want to hear,the so called journalists are anything but journalists they are only activists for the station they work for
Hold up, here folks. Sean Hannity INVITED a young woman from PETA to his show…. She didn’t walk in, she didn’t storm the front door and invade his “space” She didn’t break in. … HE INVITED her on as a guest and then HE shit all over her , in her face, yelled, mocked, talked over her and tried to demean her point of view, she never, NEVER Got an f’in word in edgewise…. WTF????? This is how you treat an invited guest in your home (show)?? He showed himself to be the prick he is. You ask someone as a guest and the shred, tear them apart and demean them to satisfy some gross, vile need in your own soul. He didn’t make a point . HE MADE AN ASSHOLE of himself. He shrunk as a man, as a human as a TV host down to the size of an ant’s dick.
True, but two wrongs don’t make it right.
Me again. Not saying that the above is agreement with or against the woman and her views. It is simply to point out that this rudeness, entitled behavior that some ” celebs” endow upon themselves is not limited to the LEFT wing. He is hard to tolerate in the first place as his speech pattern is annoying, He whistles, inadvertently when he says the letter “s” but when he unleashes on a GUEST? He shows what a fragile little, tiny man he can be, or IS. Jesse Watters is not much better. He doesn’t treat folks like something stuck to the bottom of his shoe, like this feckless twat does, but he will bring on a guest and then constantly interrupt them to make a tiny point or a stupid joke. These inflated egos have no idea that we see them day after day, and we only see the guests, who are far more interesting, for maybe, what, three to five minutes if lucky? Sooooo , shut the F up and show some grace and dignity for your guests….. Allow us to hear what they have to say. Its not about YOU… They are not background noise to YOUR self imposed greatness…. JERKS
What’s the point in an “interview” when they constantly interrupt and won’t allow the other person to speak? May as well not invite anyone at all. Have it all one-sided.