Truthful? You can’t handle the truth! You need a job to handle the truth. This failed border czar say’s corporations aren’t paying their fair share of taxes and she plans to up them by 28%! Guess who will be paying that? John Q Taxpayer. President Trump brought many of these companies back to the USA by knocking down business taxes. The closest she ever got working in business was issuing out fries at MacDonald’s. She and Tampon Tim belong in a freak show, not our Oval Office. She lies about crime stats and saying crime is down. A flagrant lie, as murders and rapes are sky high. They lie about the job numbers. Wait until these illegals start getting a chunk of your social services money and WIC programs. They let her destroy the border. She’s only successful at one thing. And so was Monica Lewinsky. I’d rather see her in the Oval Office at that desk. She’s spent more time there. Even Hillary can vouch for that! But she, Joe and Obama (heir leader) gave away $85,000,000,000 (Billion) of our military weaponry and Bagram Air Base to the Taliban and China when they surrendered. Get these Democratisch Nazi Corruptionists out of Washington!
If you are referring to Kamala, she isn’t black. Do some research! GO MAGA!
Truthful? You can’t handle the truth! You need a job to handle the truth. This failed border czar say’s corporations aren’t paying their fair share of taxes and she plans to up them by 28%! Guess who will be paying that? John Q Taxpayer. President Trump brought many of these companies back to the USA by knocking down business taxes. The closest she ever got working in business was issuing out fries at MacDonald’s. She and Tampon Tim belong in a freak show, not our Oval Office. She lies about crime stats and saying crime is down. A flagrant lie, as murders and rapes are sky high. They lie about the job numbers. Wait until these illegals start getting a chunk of your social services money and WIC programs. They let her destroy the border. She’s only successful at one thing. And so was Monica Lewinsky. I’d rather see her in the Oval Office at that desk. She’s spent more time there. Even Hillary can vouch for that! But she, Joe and Obama (heir leader) gave away $85,000,000,000 (Billion) of our military weaponry and Bagram Air Base to the Taliban and China when they surrendered. Get these Democratisch Nazi Corruptionists out of Washington!