Alex Newman discusses potential coordination or incompetence in the Trump assassination attempt. A bipartisan task force is investigating security failures. He questions government transparency, referencing historical cover-ups like JFK. Trump plans to meet Netanyahu, asserting leadership.


President Trump needs his own private security. He is still in danger.

Remember people we’re a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy!


  1. Hate what is bad — O you who love Jehovah, hate what is bad.—Ps. 97:10. The Bible reveals that Jehovah hates “haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.” (Prov. 6:16, 17) He also “detests violent and deceptive people.” (Ps. 5:6) Jehovah hates these attitudes and actions so much that he wiped out all the wicked in Noah’s day because they had filled the earth with violence. (Gen. 6:13) Also, through the prophet Malachi, Jehovah said that He hates those who treacherously scheme to divorce their innocent marriage partner. God rejects their worship and will call them to account for their conduct. (Mal. 2:13-16; Heb. 13:4) Jehovah wants us to “abhor what is wicked.” (Rom. 12:9) The word “abhor” describes a strong emotional response; it means to hate something intensely, to be disgusted by it. Therefore, even the thought of doing something that Jehovah says is bad should be repulsive to us. And if it is NOT repulsive to you, beware! The end of this satanic system is fast approaching, and this system of things ruled by Satan will end at Armageddon and just as the wicked were destroyed in Noah’s Day, so will those who refuse to obey Jesus (our now ruling king) will also be destroyed. NOTE!! WHO ACTUALLY RULES THE EARTH??? Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.” If you have questions, please ask, or email me at I can also give you directions to a FREE home Bible study course that you can schedule when it is convenient for you. If you have questions about the Bible, I can answer them. Any help I can provide is always freely given as is commanded in the Bible.

    • You need to get out of the Old Testament for a while and read the words and works of Jesus and also the plan of salvation as is laid out in the book of Acts. Read it and focus on what was told to the people on the day of Pentecost by Peter the apostle of Jesus.

  2. Oh Jan, u don’t like hearing the truth, or what’s happening, u are just the person who should listen, u sound like a dumbocrap. lol The end is near.

  3. If Trump needs a good body guard, let me know. Iam dieing from cancer, so I got nothing to lose. I’ll put my life on the line to save him. A slow death or a fast death by a bullet. Iam a great shot to, trained by the armed services. I’d be honored to serve a cause like this. A vet and a weapon specialist at that. Let me know, iam ready when ever you are.

    • Please look into Joe Tippen protocol — Fenbendazole or Ivermectin use. If you are on FB, there is a Fenben support group that could guide you. If you’re on your way out, what have you got to lose? And pretty cool you willing to look out for Trump.

  4. Joe, you are the dumbocrap, not me. I’m educated and intelligent. The end will come if cackling Kammy becomes president. Dopey ol’ Joe has been doing a very good job of destroying America. Anyone who served in our military should be outraged. We don’t have to worry about terrorists entering America; they’re already here thanks to dopey Joe’s imbecilic open border policy.

    • Well Jan old girl claiming that you’re educated and intelligent is kind of like claiming that you’re humble. You have a start over again! (Because it makes it clear that you’re not!)

  5. Why isn’t Trump being offered protection from the Patriots? Just like private schools, they are so much better than the public schools the secret service isn’t protecting Trump, so we the people need to step up!

    And a second thing, the FBI has already run a mop up and whitewash operation on this assassination attempt on Trump! Totally cleaned up the crime scene and the shooters house has been totally wiped down!

      • I remember Lori Lightfoot saying “DEFUND THE POLICE”, yet she/he had “200 police providing protection for her[?]”.

  6. The July 13th attempt to ‘take out’ Trump was supposed to be a ‘clean hit’ with little or no collateral damage. Instead, it turned into a messy miss with the Deep State in panic mode trying to cover their tracks. Much like the JFK assassination, they used a patsy who was immediately killed. Dead men tell no tales. Next time, they will use a bomb and kill or injure many innocent bystanders. They won’t care — anything to ‘Get Trump’. The CIA is probably already working with Iran to be the proxy. Iran can take the credit and the Deep State can stay in the shadows. ‘Plausible Deniability’, you know……

  7. Rumor has it, the FBI knew of a possible shooter and did nothing, until after the shots were fired. Remember the JFK assassination? I do, I was in high school. The Warren Commission was a whitewash. They blamed it all on Oswald. The coup de grace shot to JFK’s head came from the front, not behind. The exit wound is always much larger than the entry wound. This proves there were two shooters and it was a conspiracy.

  8. Jan, Joe here, I have never been a dumbocrap, please don’t humiliate me like that. If your highly educated, and intelligent, like u say, why are u jumping down my throat? I joined the military at 18 and did my time because I loved my country, and am trying to live the american dream, like many of us. Hidenbiden and harris have other plans to destroy, more of our country. So hell ya I’m pissed, and like the Old wolf, if necessary I would also be honored to protect, our president DJT, and lay my life down, for him which will probably happen. He is the only one that can save this country, no matter how bad u hate him. Leaders from around the world, understand he doesn’t mess around, harris and hidenbiden, are just pancies selling us out, and the world laughs at them.


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