BREAKING SCANDAL: Kamala’s Husband Physically ASSAULTED Young Woman | Trump DEMANDS Harris Drop-Out



WHO ELSE is voting for Donald Trump & JD Vance?

I’m voting for President Donald J Trump
I’m voting for President Donald J Trump
I’m voting for President Donald J Trump
I’m voting for President Donald J Trump


  1. Typical left-wing lying to cover up for Harris’s pervert husband who has the same lack of character that Kamala has and she cannot blame Trump for her inviting over 10 million illegal migrants from nations that hate America and its laws ! They are the worst role models for younger children unless they want to grow up as deviants who lie ! Harris created 20% inflation in 3 years and obviously did not learn from the Boy Scouts -BE PREPARED!! Leaders take care of LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS- not begging for campaign donations from Hollywood creeps and the left-wing tech titans who censure people who express opinions that do not fit the communist media narrative !

  2. I heard enough when we learned they stole FEMA money for emergencies and have given it to the illegal invaders! Somebody belong’s in Leavenworth!
    I have friends down there losing everything. Kamala’s check for $750 isn’t going to do much when your home is destroyed, all the stores are shut-down, your car is covered 3 feet in mud, gas stations are closed. I went to Franklin Graham’s emergency volunteer company . It takes major cards and PayPal. You can also mail a check. I don’t have large funds, but if every American sent a small amount, we can fix this. This cheating bunch in Washington won’t.

  3. $750 ain’t gonna do nothin’ when your home and car have been destroyed. Oh, let’s not forget the Biden/Harris regime just pissed away another $8 billion on Ukraine. That money could have done a lot of good right here in the USA.

  4. Was this written by an AI? If so, it’s too ‘A’ and not very ‘I.’ Or, maybe “Tom Randazzo” is somebody’s brainwashed 6 year-old kid, forced into writing propaganda for the maga cult. If so, let us pray for him or her.

    I though I unsubscribed from this virtual toilet paper, but maybe I’ll wait around as the con man goes to jail, just to grok some humorous gnashing of teeth, from more infantile “writers.”


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