BREAKING NEWS: Trump, Zelensky, And JD Vance Have Shocking Explosive Argument In The Oval Office



Probably the first time in history that all the reporters in the room shut the hell up.

This is RAW footage….thanks Forbes


  1. President Trump and JD Vance are correct. We need diplomacy, but Zelensky doesn’t want diplomacy. Zelensky doesn’t want a cease fire either.

  2. Trump acted like a childish bully, has his own agenda. What Z wants is reasonable… a security guarantee in exchange for his rare earth minerals. and a seat at the negotiating table. Only a fool would make a deal with Putin which he is certain to violate. Read your history!!! I will no longer support Trump or Vance. Wake up America!!!

    • R Shortz, what a crock of shit! If anybody needs to wake up it’s you. I guess it’s ok to send billions of tax-payer dollars to Ukraine while leaving our own borders wide open to let foreign criminals and terrorists into our country. It’s fine to give money to other countries to fund gay-bullshit programs while hurricane victims in North Carolina suffer because FEMA illegally spent tax dollars on the illegal invaders Trump refused to be bullied by a Sweat Shirt Wearing Punk! Over 30 billion spent and what do you have, a stalemate, and the worst is over 10 billion are not even accounted for! Where did that money go? I am proud to have a strong president in office, who stands tall in support of the American people, whereas for the past 4 yrs we had a pussy president who was voted in by pussies like you.

  3. Zelensky is not used to being rejected especially when he had a corrupt,anti-american administration throwing billions at him everytime he asked and now we have a president who is America and it’s citizens First and he can’t understand it,now we have the European nations complaining about Trump/ Vance treating him badly,how much money have they thrown to him you can bet nothing compared to the billions America has

  4. R Shortz, we don’t owe Ukraine anything. Ukraine is a small, corrupt country. Zelensky wants US boots on the ground in Ukraine. Only a fool would agree to that. Biden is a fool, but HE wouldn’t go that far. Do we want a proxy war with Russia over Ukraine? Hell no. Zelensky is acting like a childish bully. You don’t come to the WH, dressed like a slob, make demands and disrespect our POTUS and VP. Trump ejected Zelensky, and rightly so. I stand by our President Trump.

  5. Zelensky wants to take back Crimea, he wants US boots on the ground and he wants NATO membership. He’s delusional. None of this will happen. Should the USA go to war with Russia over Ukraine? No, no, and hell no. Zelensky refused to sign a minerals deal with President Trump. This is the third time he refused. As the song goes, “Hit the road Jack, and don’t you come back no more, no more”.

    • Just goes to show we have some intelligent thinking people like you…and me, still around to question the “blind mice” of the country. God help the US and the world after I’m outta here!

  6. Hmmm. I don’t know much about this Zelensky guy…other than what “they” tell us…. he’s still of Russian extract regardless of the fact he calls himself Ukrainian. I’m Polish, born in the USA. What does that make me? American of Polish heritage and damn proud of it! And that is what Zel is doing. I’ll fight to the death to honor my heritage. Well, any way, Zel comes into our house, hat in hand, and starts to pontificate to Donald about needing help…more support…more MONEY. WTF? We practically given him everything except the
    kitchen sink, or the jets Biden didn’t give him. And then he starts this bullshit argument with Donald! You just don’t bite the hand that feed you!! JFC!! The guy has to show some humbleness. Stop acting like Mr. Big! Donald invites him for a visit and the guy gets assertive!

    See where I’m going with this? So, okay. We have another…God forbid, civil war, with ethic people from Russia extract; Germany; or whomever…THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN!!?(and we all know what happened in WWII).

    Scenario: All of a sudden, we have a wanna-be takeover of enriched lands, say, from NC, SC, VA, for their mineral deposits, natural gas, coal in Kentucky as is or what was in PA . This is what is I believe is happening in Europe. A generalization of what is taking place in Europe.

    Question: Why did Putin after all this time invade Crimea, now Ukraine? To bring them back into the fold? I keep seeing reports that Ukraine has enriched dirt. Hmmm. Veeely interesting! I didn’t know that, did you? (How many of us are that educated about world politics? ) But they sure in hell did! Just what the hell does Putin want? All of Europe? Maybe he’s still pissed about the break-up of USSR? Just like China is with Taiwan? You know what? We don’t know shit about politics and world dominance…Manifest Dynasty! We, the commoners think we do, but we don’t. We are the pons on a chessboard…sacrificial lambs as it has been through the ions of civilization. (We are not civilized…yet). I’m just voicing my thoughts of what I have read, witnessed and about to witness. I’ve lived an exciting eighty-four years, and expect to live another fifteen, so Help Me God! Amen.


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