Why is the USA powerless to take down these huge drones⁉️

Get Biden and Harris out of office Trump needs to be in office now


  1. Iran has to use drones because once President Trump is in office they won’t be able to use them because Trump will take care of them Biden and the other Democrats don’t care about America.

  2. The USA isn’t powerless to take these drones down. The problem is, our government doesn’t WANT to. John Kirby was burping on TV. He burped that there’s no evidence of such drones and they weren’t picked up on our radar. They could be normal airplanes and yada yada. He actually said that.

  3. Give me a break.
    “Mother ship drone?”
    Geez, the CIA/Mossad is really getting hard up for their idiocy.
    Well, considering that they’ve managed, through owning our media, to get 99% of people to believe that Israel is the homeland and they deserve Palestine (and buy off US politicians including suckerberg donating all that money to trump’s inauguration), they get away with keeping the sheeple thinking that Iran is the “bad guy” and not the “synagogue of Satan” as Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible call israel because the ashkenazi fake Semites STOLE it with the help of the demonic zionist Rothschilds duping Woodrow Wilson way back when

  4. Um, I don’t know what to think of your post. What does Israel have to do with it? I’m Jewish, Jesus was Jewish. As I recall, Israel was attacked in Oct 2023. We are not the bad guys. Iran is. Woodrow Wilson was suckered into WW1 after promising peace, but that was a bit before my time. My mom was about 7 years old back then.

  5. T-rkey is controlling Iran, Syria- as they want isis controlled isl-m caliphate sh-ria Law to be forced on all of Europe and Middle East eventually the US and the world. This k-ran law is designed to subjugate all humans to force conversion to isl-m or face murder, persecution, revocation of rights, t-rture, r-pe of women, r-pe of the conquered’s children, child kidn-pping, women kidn-pping, forced into slavery and regarded as animals, is written in the book of lies the
    k-oran which is what my religious beliefs teach us that there is only ONE TRUTH and THE ONLY BOOK GOD-BREATHED by ONLY ONE GOD CALLED LORD JESUS CHRIST which is contained ONLY IN THE OLD & NEW TESTAMENT all others are false books, false prophets – i.e. m-hamm-d who practiced child ped-phil-a, r-aped, pilfered, conquered and/or had his henchmen do it. isl-m forces men to remove female g-n-talia so they have no sensation which in Indonesia is done to babies as young age 1 or within some countries about age 9 and no medical professional does it as a dirty razor and gauze strap is used. Look it up on Y-u T-be. In the USA about 200,000 clitorectomies are performed by m-slem doctors disguised as it is a religious practice – the practice is banned in the USA but m-slems Drs in Michigan continue to do it and it is barbaric to do that as many become ill and can wind up in a grave – Google the number. Google the number of people that isl-m is-s murdered since m-hamm-d began his ideology of political torment and bondage to all they conquered: close to 1 billion people from all nations were m-rdered for refusing to convert to isl-m from about 650 AM – present. isl-m is a political ideology disguised as a religion to put fear in the ignorant and masses that they are forced to follow it due to higher being – TOTALLY FALSE as it is designed to m-rder, h-rt, ensl-ve, t-rture those who resist. That is why mo-h-amm-d started it as 1 man and now has grown to 2 billion all due to forced conversion at the risk of d-ath. It is growing as men have multiple wives and myriad of children so they will increase their population in any nation they invade disguised as refugees, or persecuted class, or illegal immigrants as in the US. mo-h-mm-d was thrown out of his hometown of Medina, Saudi Arabia and then went to Mecca where they accepted him, and from there the started moving west to conquer reaching Spain/Europe, Middle East, North Africa. He was also sch-zophrenic, hearing voices. All m-slems in Europe are pushing and demanding Sharia Law and refuse to abide the laws of the host nations they invaded pretending they are refugees from some bad nation. m-slems fight m-slems as well many wars – shiit-s vs sunn-s and there is another more liberal m-slem faction. Check Google as to the number of isl-m terr-rists there are MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS. In 50 years there will be 97% moslems in U.K. England, N Ireland, Scotland, Wales. That is why most European citizens are fighting to expel all the alleged refugees, illegals that flooded the nations the past 20 years at least. In exchange for the Europeans’ kindness, they got terror-sm in return. Check out facts on Google Ott-man Empire of isl-m which later changed to Gh-ngis Khan and the Mongol Empire of isl-m conquering moving west into Europe, Middle East. ISRAEL HAS A GOD-GIVEN RIGHT TO EXIST and THEY ALWAYS had the land WEST BANK under ISRAELI borders since 1948. Lord Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem in Judea Region around 3 A.D., was then and is now ISRAEL, and Lord God Jesus was a Jew from the House of Judah from Israel. Siege of Jerusalem by isl-mists (636–637 A.D.) M-hamm-d was born 570 A.D. 570 years after Jesus Christ
    and Died 632 A.D before the isl-amists seized Jerusalem, Israel so Moh-amm-d never visited Jerusalem or any part of Israel. after Jesus Christ (aged 61–62) – per Google facts. The Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, Israel was destroyed by Roman Empire 70 A.D. and they expelled the Jews from their land as they refused to worship the Roman gods hence the Jewish diaspora began and the Jews fleed to any country that would take them where they can practice their religion. But God gave the land ISRAEL to the JEWS and when LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST RETURNS again he will RETURN TO ISRAEL as THAT IS WHERE HE WAS BORN, LIVED ALL HIS LIFE, was RESURRECTED and RETURNED TO HEAVEN from the soil of ISRAEL. MARANATHA – return quickly LORD JESUS CHRIST TO SAVE YOUR PEOPLE FROM THE DESTRUCTION OF SATAN THE DEVIL THE FATHER OF ALL LIES. PLEASE CARRY AWAY, FROM WARS AND EVIL, ALL THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN YOU. AMEN Merry Christmas and God’s blessings to all. PEACE and LOVE FROM THE LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST.

  6. If people can see these drones, that means they are not that far away. Why doesn’t someone take a long range rifle and shoot one down? Then they can see what it is.

  7. The USA is a more peaceful country. America/USA does not start wars, they end them. I was in the US Army, 6 years, our military protects and defends America and many other countries. Myself, and my family all voted for Donald Trump, now all our enemy countries will fear our new President.


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