BOMBSHELL New Trump Shooting Report Finds FBI LIED, Reveals Who Really Took First Shot At Assassin



One question that people should be asking is WHY WAS CNN THERE FILMING LIVE, when they don’t even cover ANY of President Trump’s rallies?
What did they know?

If this was only “gross incompetence”, then why aren’t the Democrats worried about their own safety? There’s more to this than we’re being told.


  1. To all who may concern. The blood stains on HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY AT THE DAY OF THE SO CALLED ASSASSINATION, THE STAIN CAME FROM THE SPLATER OF THE POOR FIREMAN’S HEAD BLOWN OFF. DUMPTY TRUMPTY NEVER INJURED HIS EAR, BECAUSE after we saw that white peace on HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY,S right ear the next day we saw the EAR MIRACLEUESLY heald. Even a paper cut takes a week to heal at least. This is Truly Comical HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY,S EAR WAS NEVER TOUCHED.

    • You are one sick ding Dong. You’re one person who needs mental help. Trump had a bandage on his ear for days. I guess you believe the laptop is Russian and not Hunters. You still believe in the Russia, Russia hoax. I guess you believe the attempt on Trump life was set up by Trump. Take your head out of your ass and wake up.

      • ELIAR is still in school! His ludicrous posts prove it. He can’t spell, his grammar is atrocious and has no comprehension about what happened at the attempted assassination. I’d like him to try and explain how the murdered fireman’s blood came to be on Trump when the deceased was way behind Trump! ELIAR should be locked away for being a total imbecile and he’s probably ugly too! Probably a Russian troll!

    • Just another idiot trying to be cute…go crawl back in your hole, you dont deserve to be in the pressence of humanity!! I see you do not understand that your very existence is about to come to an end under liberal Democrat rule…DUMB ASS

    • Elias I am not sure of your age or education but I would guess you’re a 30 something, white, and probably has some sort of college degree who has parents who are still picking flowers in the 1960’s! In other words you have no real life experience, mommy and daddy have been giving you everything you need to live. You probably have never worked a single day in your entire life but yet you have this idea that you are the smartest person in the room, WRONG, You may be a college graduate but it is clear that you are “educated beyond your intelligence”.

  2. These Elias types are the kind of idiots that would pin a badge of heroism and genius on the sad, sick shooters of the world, and should be further observed and evaluated. The red flags are waving !!!!!!

  3. Hey Ali ass, your snotty remark only shows the level of irrational hatred of your ilk. I would say you should be ashamed of yourself but that would do no good because you don’t know the difference between right and wrong.
    I would say you are stupid but that would do no good because you are too stupid to take a good look at yourself. One thing you might do is take your mocking remark and force it up your belly button and blow it out your ears. As it goes up your frame and into the ballon between your ears it should find no resistance , no brain to block your stupidity


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