Black Mob ARRESTED After LYNCHING 20 Year Old Mother As Liberal Media And Race Hustlers GO SILENT!



Nothing destroys Black America like Black America

7 kidnapped, R’d, tortured, and murdered a pregnant woman. There should be 7 death penalties with super quick court appeals to keep them from living the next 50-60 years in prison sucking away at the taxpayers wallet housing, clothing, and feeding them.


  1. Excellent commentary. Points out that Black Race Hustlers are real and operating in America. Were this a white group of murderers, the presses would be rolling for years. Black on Black mayhem is real and covered up by Blacks and Liberals. Mass media is a despicable group and should be held responsible for hiding thhis horrible crime. It is so bad, most people do not believe it happened!! These people all deserve immediate death penalty and it should be carried out ASAP.

  2. Just down right WRONG!!!! This is yet another example of changing a word like LYNCHING to dumb down the crime which is a RACE BASED crime. This is how they dumbed down the word Racism/Racist and started calling Blacks Racists who were prejudice. What these simps did was kill someone they knew as a friend…just like the girl who was killed last year & left in her hotel room by her friends who videoed the assault. Call this new ‘trend’ something other than a lynching which was an atrocity plagued on our people only by racists.

    • This is not a lynching! This is a Black on Black crime resulting in a woman being tortured and hanged. Its wrong to compare what Whites did to Blacks in mass during slavery & even today to what happened to this poor young woman. I hope the killers that tortured & hanged this poor woman get the death penalty and I hope its carried out swiftly. May God have mercy on the family.To the reporter that’s eager for this story to be heard Nationally Black men are still being lynched in Mississippi and buried with no Al Sharpton showing up. Their families are not informed they’re dead for months. There are no BLM marches & they’re pretty sure they were murdered by Whites. You seem more concerned about who murdered the poor woman than the fact she’s gone. How many hangings of Blacks by Blacks do you think you’ll live to see in your Life time? You will always hear of lynchings in your lifetime but statistically you won’t hear of Blacks hanging Blacks. Crickets make enough noise to keep you awake and irritate. What you’re saying is asinine & the story doesn’t need Nat’l attention because statically it may never happen again unless a White does it and tries to cover it up as a Black on Black crime because of people like you. That’s my opinion.

      • You are so racist This is not different whether it be black on black crime or if a white is involved. Wake up out of your racist dream the woman was lynched

  3. Its sad how some Blacks continue to be crabs in a barrel constantly pulling each other down from the top! This is a perfect example of it. Blacks calling other Blacks, “Black Race Hustlers”. Wow, is it because they try to keep others informed of the wrong done by Whites to Blacks so you call them “Black Race Hustlers”? But, you want the wrong doing of Blacks in the Nat’l news right away to let the Whites know you’re fair when it comes to reporting on Blacks, what the Hell? How many other names like “Black Race Hustlers”can you help the White folk out with for Blacks I’m sure they appreciate you coming to the forefront like this with these names for Blacks. You’ve let them know how cunning the “Black Race Hustlers” are. Those like Al Sharpton should be there to say this was an awful crime and that the murderers should be locked up. Maybe Sharpton will preach the funeral he good like that. The BLM mothers might show up give them a call they’ve all lost children. But, what are you suggesting they march for? What happened to the young woman that was hanged is worse than sad but you need to stop rambling and put this tragedy into perspective as far as who needs to do what. Black people please stop attacking each other! Nothing will change for us until we come together. The GOP is still working on taking our voting rights can we come together for that? Vote Blue for voting and women’s rights.

  4. The Right is not taking blacks voting rights. You go to the voting booth and vote. Voter ID is not voter suppression. It’s been happening for years. Women’s rights are not being taken. Abortion in Emergency circumstances. Yes. But to abort a baby like a piece of garbage. No. A nurse at an abortion clinic quit. Why? Because she saw the head coming out and the doctor crushed the unborn’s skull, rips the unborn’s arms and leg’s off one by one. To top it off. Some of these body parts will be sold. The Right to Life protested. And they are in the wrong. No. They would take your baby if you do not want the baby. Give the baby up for adoption. Help the mother keep the baby by providing clothes, baby formula, etc., financial support, counseling. Planned Parenthood could careless. Mainstream Media lies. The First News and NewsMax are the news that fact checks. Shows you. Not just rambles stuff off like Biden and others. He lies daily. Back to the race argument. United States was founded on Judaea/ Christian Principles. Not the White Supremacy garbage pushed by the Mainstream Media. There is racism. There is prejudice. There is hate. All people at one time or another have been hated. Look at Israel. Despite Hamas killing 120 Jews, Israel defends themselves. And they are the bad guys and girls. Wrong. Hamas uses Palestinians as shields. Some Palestinians side with Hamas. Anyway, Blacks participate and make big money in sports, business, politics, etc. The mostly Democrats Party and some Republicans, hate America. All races that support freedom. Proof. Lockdowns, lies about vaccines and mask mandates. Dr. Fauci is another corrupt politician. Biden destroyed the border and lied. He wants non citizens to vote. No other country allows this craziness. Drained our oil reserves. Along with Soros who sides with criminals, these paid off prosecutors let criminals go. Blame the Police. When a white Police Officer shoots or kills a black person. Front page news. When a Black Police Officer kills a white person, it’s rarely put on the news. Or a short time. Ashley Babbitt at the Capitol was unarmed. Shot by Capitol Police that was black. Confessed he did not look to see if she was armed. He did not get charged. Put in a hotel out of harms way. Still not charged. The DOJ now, is no good. Trump has been lied about for years. Hillary Clinton paid people to say Trump was aided by a Putin to win 2016 Election. Destroyed laptop, hard drive and phone records. Same January 6 Committee. Destroyed and claimed the hard drive, laptop, phone records, gone. All charges. No convictions. Daily Trump Syndrome by the Media and Democrats. Then the climate. Biden says the biggest threat is climate. No. The destruction of American Freedom. Illegal immigrants destroying law abiding Americans neighborhoods and support systems. Uncontrolled spending. No accountability of what and where this money and supplies are being used. Biden lied about his bribe. Records show he took flights for business, phone calls, bank records, and was involved with Hunter’s business. You can still vote for who you want.This evidence should prove Biden is a disaster. Not Trump.

    • I agree with you. As a Christian I abhor what was done to this beautiful mother. It has nothing to do with race. It’s the hate that has attacked ALL people since Biden got into office. Think back 4 years ago. Did you hear anything about Trans? Even racism has been used by the radical left to hurt All races. Mostly prior to that kids & adults got along & no one really cared about race. Full term abortions were rarely if ever done. Wes is right an abortion tears apart the baby piece by piece and they Are selling off the body parts, Never doubt that. They prey on young frighten women. A full term infant could be given to someone if the mother doesn’t want it. To have a living, breathing baby destroyed in the most heinous way tells you that humans have no respect for life. It’s why there is suddenly so much crime such as this woman’s death. When Roe vs Wade was passed it decreased the value of EVERY life to nothing. This beautiful young woman had a child to live for as well as herself & family. PLEASE pray for her family. Anger against one another will get all of us nowhere. Be kind to others no matter race or religion. Atheists and demons have taken over our country. The US was born out of freedoms for ALL. Some blacks want reparations for what their ancestors went through. That too is wrong. There were Not only black slaves but so weren’t the Irish. They called them Indentured servants. Just a fancy name for slaves. They were raped, beaten, deprived of their children, husbands/wives & families. Reparations now have no place in America. PLEASE vote!! Vote for who will actually get us back to where we were under Trump. They plan to slip Obama in as Biden’s VP so he can become president again. Sadly he started the Socialism that the radical left wants so badly. Once we become a Socialist Communist country NONE of us will have our freedoms. I pray for the true friends and family of this woman & for society to make the Right choices ahead of us. God Bless you all.

  5. There will be Blacks who see the crime and violence all around them and still vote the crime ridden liberal democrats back in office time after time because they offer “Freebies” which they only offer at election time, but you cannot get Black voters to see this and then they complain because shit ain’t getting fixed and is still so bad. A prime example of this is crime infested Baltimore, Maryland with it’s boy mayor who could not care less about the sky rocketing crime no more than he does the city sanitation department picking up the trash, but just won his job for another term??? This is called Wilfull Ignorance and dumbing down the voter base and the liberal democrats have brain washed 99% of the black vote with this.

    • You are 100% correct. They will offer more money & handouts to get the votes they need. It’s why several states have no Voter ID. Now Washington DC plans to have the Illegals vote. It’s the Lefts way to get the votes they need to get Biden/Obama or Newsom in as president. This country is already in trillions of dept but they will promise generation X & G lots of incentives like not paying college loans that those who took the loans out knew they would Have to pay them back. It’s the Lefts way to get their votes. There was little racism, trans, LBTQ… and abortions being pushed down people’s throats prior to this administration. They want you to forget Afghanistan, blowing up Russias pipeline & dumbing down our military. Our oil reserves were higher than ever before. Now we couldn’t fight for the US if we have to. You won’t hear the liberal media fight for this young woman because it was black on black just like they won’t report white on white. They now control everything that you hear & force you to believe. Think for yourselves & remember this wasn’t happening 4-5 years ago. God Bless us all because if the Demoncrats win we ALL loose.


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