Black Democrat Mayor OUSTED For Republican After White Residents SECEDE To Form Their Own City!



What they’re mad about is that they’re taking their tax money with them.

So sick of the racism being perpetuated by forever victims…


  1. No ‘success’ with the change.
    Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that has not overspent?
    Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that is not corrupt?
    Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “ C” nation that has honest elections?
    Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that is successful?
    Have you ever heard of a “C’’ nation where the populace is educated?
    Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that does not need to ‘export’ the illiterate ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC “C” INVADERS?
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and you vote for a traitor.
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and the borders will never be secured.

    • What is wrong with you and your hatred of Catholics? There are good and bad in every religion. I’m not Catholic, but this Catholic hate is getting old.

      • Amen to that and I am not Catholic either, nor am I a Jew but they are treated badly as well. Get over it. please everybody, and look at a person’s character, not their religion, ethnicity, skin color or anything that you may think sets them aside from others in a negative way. There is no reason to judge anyone differently from how you would want to be judged. We are ALL members of the human race.

        • You are not informed as the Catholic Church takes millions and millions of dollars for housing homeless but houses illegal immigrants. All of these so called charities should be banned from any of these funds as none of these people are means tested and Americans are… When the Afghanistan refugees came they were given 5k airbnb to stay in. Everyone should have to go to the welfare department and level the playing field… No working person can compete for housing when these groups and section 8 pay more than working people can pay… and go look yourself.. the day before the Supreme Court adjourns.. they have lunch with catholic bishops.. no other group gets an entire afternoon with them..

          • the PRO-death, theft, racist, ignorant, YOU must buy insurance, 86 genders (no proof), doesn’t know what a woman is, SCOTUS? do YOU expect justice from these clowns? You are both delusional…. & corrupt

      • The Catholic Church was cut off in NEW MEXICO because they were given money to house homeless and were housing illegal immigrants. in Las Vegas its the same. all the illegals know to go to the Catholic Church… they will use their government funds for homeless and house illegals…. but not Americans? sounds ridiculous.. that is why New Mexico cut them off

  2. Great list of non sequiturs. Also a great list exposing your bigotry. Oh, wait, I’m not Catholic, so don’t go jumping to any conclusions.

    • our property taxes were building and building more & more schools. The children were and are getting dumber & dumber. NO accountability, NO input. Just send us’s yo taxesses and shut up! demon-rats are all socialist and the epitome of control freaks (AKA: karens). I lived here all my life and saw it going down for a long time. The DIM mayor made a 4 lane street, that handled MUCH traffic, in the morning, noon and at night, down to 2 lanes, with an occasional turn lane. I guess 2.5 is greater than 4, in her woke, racist mind. she/it is from Chicago… need I say more? THAT is 2 strikes. being uppity & dumb is strike 3. Every Amerikan city has a Gaza strip in it. Tax money goes in, only HATE comes out. YOU would never allow your family member to venture there, IF’n you loved them (even just a little bit)

  3. Best solution. Thank you GREG for great informative news. GOD BLESS YOU CHRISTIAN BROTHER. GOD BLESS PRES TRUMP, HIS FAMILY, HIS VOTERS.

  4. It’s a ‘cultural thing’, not ‘racism’ that destroys black communities. They are their own worst enemies. Name one city in the U.S. that is controlled by blacks that’s not a ‘shit-hole’? I won’t hold my breath…. That isn’t a ‘racist’ statement, it’s a fact. That applies to Africa also.

  5. There are probably quite a few black people who will reside in St. George and support the separation. What makes them different? They have jobs, work hard, and are enjoying the benefits of their labors. The separation is not based on race; it’s based on work ethic and self-reliance.

  6. The next black mayor to be ousted is NY City idiot mayor Adams. Like, he hasn’t got a clue, man. His race doesn’t have anything to do with it. He’s just an idiot.

    • The corruption is in the government funds they receive that are not given to the people they are funded for. The welfare department does not give benefits to illegals but the Catholic Church will…Many churches such as LDS spent 500 million in California to stop gay marriage. These are non profits and there tax free money should not be spent for political campaigns… period. It’s a corrupt situation when they do not pay taxes, but weigh in on civil rights or laws when there is supposed to be a separation of church and state. Are these the same people that want moms to have babies, but cant find a way to get the fathers to pay child support? 122 billion dollars in unpaid child support no one seems to be able to collect or the fact that ONLY 40% of moms get reliable child support.. but suffer moms…ARe these the same people that support cutting off moms off welfare after 7 years… but endless for homeless drug addicts?? yes that the church that forgives everyone but mothers.

  7. i am suspect of non-profits. They don’t pay property taxes and those that do have to cover the non-profits. There are many entities that are non-profit, not just churches. These groups receive fire and police protection, they should pay property taxes. As for child support from fathers, I support arresting them to force them to support their children, not the tax payers.


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