Bill Maher Shuts Down MSNBC Host For DERANGED Trump Claim



They are not delusional.
They are dangerous maniacs.
Don’t sugar coat it.

I’ve always thought Mark Cuban would sell his mother for a dollar. Total phoney


    • But then, it sounds like you are too. Due to an overdose of misinformation, lies and propaganda. There is an cure for it. It’s called the Trump cure. Some will be healed by the cure and some just won’t. Oh well.

    • The country and it’s people were never so well off in the past 16 of as when Trump was president,the corrupt,anti-american Demonrats administration are the ones who are deranged and are trying to turn America into a third world socialist country and anyone who supports them is a traitor to America

  1. President Trump has already run the Country and very well I might add. In comparison with Biden/Harris, President Trump is very skilled as he has run companies. It is like night and day.
    He will not be soft on crime. He will not allow gangs to destroy our Country. He will allow school choice which will help students get a good education as opposed to keeping them in failing schools. He will promote jobs and job training. He will not say one thing and then do another unlike Harris. She already said that she was against fracking and would put a final end to it. Now she says she is for things that she previously was against in order to get elected. I do believe that Bernie Sanders is right about Harris. She is left winged and will say anything to get elected. We need a strong leader who knows what he is doing. I have every confidence in President Trump.

  2. The ‘rats attack Trump because that’s the only card they have left to play. People like Steve are too stupid to think for themselves. They can’t see the forest from the tree.


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