Bill Maher Finally WOKE UP!



He’s too arrogant to wake up. He thinks he’s smarter than everyone else in the room and waking up is the same as admitting that he’s been wrong for years. It would be too damaging to his fragile ego. He’s a classic narcissist.

He’s too arrogant to wake up. He thinks he’s smarter than everyone else in the room and waking up is the same as admitting that he’s been wrong for years. It would be too damaging to his fragile ego. He’s a classic narcissist.


  1. You are accurate Dr. Turley – very astute. Sometimes he sounds red pill but I do not trust him. He appears very atheist even though raised Catholic on Dad’s side – his mom’s side Hungarian Jew. He studied attended Catholic church until abut age 12. He appears intelligent educated: Comic, talk show host, actor, political commentary.

  2. Years before Trump threw his hat in the ring, Maher had a hard on for him. Part of his routine was to slam Trump and said that he had “orange hair” also used tanning cream and looked orange so he said Trumps mother was an Orangutang…. I use Orangutang, because this hump , Maher, can’t even pronounce the word “Orangu TAN” correctly. They ended up in court over it which gave this little, greasy turd his moment in the sun, and then it was on. When Trump decided to run, Mahers hemorrhoids ruptured and Trump became his main target, his reason for living and HIS PAYCHECK. The more he slammed Trump, the more spotlight he got. He is a junkie whore who got lucky and not put in prison for dealing drugs in college, which he freely brags about.. He is a PRICK who is now backpedaling as fast as his tiny little feet can carry him and in doing so, now has the Right wing licking his tiny little balls because he has become a turn coat to the Democratic Party, as sooooooo many have. He is simply showing what all the Sheep are. Followers as long as it puts cash in their pockets. He is an addict with money. He was once funny, eons ago, until he became an arm of the Left wing. That is his claim to fame. He is OLD., pushing 70 with shit-dyed hair , trying not to die and fade from the stage. The sooner he catches fire, the better… It is NOT GREAT to have a two-faced little turd, float from the sewer to the safety of the shore. Bill Maher is shit and will always be SHIT. USA, USA, USA.

  3. Bill Maher ? whoinahelliszat? what has he made ?, what has he done ? what does he do ? he is no one and nothing, to the above.
    we need journalists who simply Report the news,….
    We Need political guidance who simply guide, not support agenda’s,….
    We Need Honesty, not people whom know all the ways to beat the law but to OPERATE within the LAW,…. Billy Maher, aint it folks ,….

  4. Maher is a tool. I don’t believe this lying Diddycrat as far as I can throw him. He says some normal things one minute, then goes bat schiff libturd the next. Screw the arrogant bastard.


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