AOC Is RUNNING for PRESIDENT?! Report Shows SHOCKING Democrat 2028 Frontrunners



Wrong end of the horse!!!!!

AOC is delusional.


  1. And Hunter was the victim of a political witch hunt?? . Joey should know what a political witch hunt is all about. That is all the Libertards did when Mr. Trump was in office.
    Two impeachments….really.

    Are the DemoRats that desperate they are going to run a bar maid for President of The United States WOW.
    She can’t even put together 2 sentences without one being a lie.

  3. Why am I not surprised? This woman is dumber than a bag of hammers, a box of rocks, and any other idiom you can think of!!!! She proves it every time she opens her very large mouth!

    If, God forbid, this idiot was ever actually elected president, you can bet that this country would be dead in no time flat!!! She cannot run her own life, so I am pretty damned sure she would screw our country up real fast!

  4. That map of San Francisco is much better , than the poop map. The ex bartender had better stop poking herself in her head, she can’t afford to lose any brain cells.

  5. George Carlin said it best: “The planet isn’t going nowhere…WE are. Pack your shit, folks… we’re going away”. “The planet will shake us off like a bad case of fleas…a surface nuisance”.

  6. AOC = A$$ H&*( Of Congress – I.Q. of 20. Rat faced, I can smell her cavities from over the air waves reaching my lap top. I salute her with Barfs. Like this, Like that is, her favorite word is LIKE. She spews Climate Change will dissolve the earth in 4 years. BIG LIAR her father is Satan the devil, father of all lies. STOP TOUCHING YOUR FOREHEAD AFTER EACH SENTENCE WHY DO YOU DO THAT AOC? SHE IS A THIEF, SHE HELPED NOBODY, NO CHARITY WORK, SHE COMES FROM PRIVILEGE BUT CRIES POVERTY AND THE LATINA VICTIM BoooHoooo FAKE. JOKE JOKE JOKE JOKE PUKE AT THIS JOKE. NOT WORTHY ENOUGH TO LICK THE BOOTS OF ALL AMERICANS.

  7. AOC is having wet dreams about running for el presidente. The thing is, a lot of idiots will vote for her. A lot of idiots voted for cackling Kammy too.

  8. Rightwing: The thing is, scare tactics sell. Weak minded people believe this shit if a politician burps it out. OMG, the earth will end in 4 years if we don’t stop burning fossil fuels right NOW. The earth will be too hot for our children, so stop having kids. She actually said that. The glaciers will melt and NY City will be 200′ underwater. I don’t see any of that happening. I live in the northeast and our winters are just as cold as ever.


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