I wasn’t sure if President Trump was debating Kamala or the two biased, left-wing moderators. It is absolutely ridiculous the way they do him. ️

Trump campaign should sue ABC to oblivion.


  1. What about the loyalty to the KKK Brotherhood? You both are an embarrassment to our people and should be ashamed, yet you allowed them to use you.

    • The KKK is democrat party organization, invented by the democrat party. You have a current president that was good friends with a member of the KKK Senator Bird, which was a grand dragon of the KKK!

  2. The Demonrats administration is the most corrupt,anti-american administration we ever had in office,stop voting blue or say goodbye to America and our freedom,Trump 2024


  4. If the coming election goes “as usual, the fix is in”, the death rattle for America will have been heard and noted. Our experimental Republic will have ended with the ignominious cackling of our murderers, the demonrat communist vermin, gloating their victory over this once great nation!
    That’s All, Folks!

  5. If you think the Biden regime was bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Wait till cackling Kammy gets elected. Vote for Trump and vote Republican straight across. It’s the only way to save our country.

  6. Gee what a surprise – NOT!
    Just like the last time where Donna Brazil gave the answers to debate questions to the Demorat – these DEM scum are incapable of having an honest debate.

  7. Well you didn’t expect the democrats to play fair, not after the 2020 election. America is headed for a one party dictatorship and they seem to welcome it.

  8. Yes, Shillary Clinton was given the questions prior to the 2016 debate. Cackling Kammy is too stupid to have an honest debate. So, ABC “saved her bacon” by giving her the questions beforehand. They called Trump on several misstatements, but they never called cackling Kammy out on any of the numerous lies she told.

  9. I can’t understand how people will vote for someone just because they are democrat or republican. I turned republican long ago due to the fact that I see how the Democrats are but if the Democrats were not as corrupt as they are it wouldn’t matter because I vote for the person running that is for the best of our Country. I send this message to all those that are not thinking about our Country but on a mission to just vote Democrat. Be sure you are listening to both parties and determine your values from that. If you want to live in a communist country then Kamala is the answer. If you want to live with freedom and closed borders until going thru the right way being able to makes your own choices etc. Read about the values of both before voting. I have followed both parties and there is no way I would vote for Kamala. TRUMP is our only way to save our Country.

    • Well, my friend, I have looked at the history of our country back to pre-Civil War times, in the 1830s–and I cannot find a single redeeming value of any Democratic Party politician, local or national–ever. This may sound like a harsh statement, but even FDR would’ve been useless–without bringing essential Republicans into his administration in the spring of 1940–and abandoning the usual Democratic Party socialism and government regulated economy and control, letting free market capitalism, and for profit enterprise–win WWII. And of course Dems started the Civil War, were all for slavery, founded the KKK, and more recently, got us entangled in both the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. And now we have out of control inflation and national debt, high interest rates, increasing unemployment, lots of illegal border-crossers and homelessness, and misplaced focus on green energy, with related assault on fossil fuel industry–all thanks to Dem failed policies and failing Dem leaders. And their focus on dei ensures their continuing incompetence, too…

  10. Too many folks are wedded to the Democrap party because their parents were Democraps and their grandparents were Democraps. So, they only vote for Democraps, no matter how the Democrap politicians are destroying our state and our country. It’s impossible to reason with these folks. YOU are the one who’s wrong, not them. Why do they hate Donald Trump? Well, they hate him because they hate him. Does that make any sense? The fact that he was a great president makes no difference to them.

  11. Trump was president, yet America was not great again. Voting for a failed president again is hardly a recipe for success. Unfortunately the Republican party has been usurped by a egotistical wanna be dictator and the result will be yet another Democrat president.

    • Failed? What failed him? Maybe James Comey, Peter Strozk, Andrew McCabe and Strozk’s mistress Paige? They started boobytrapping him before he left Trump Tower for the Inauguration. Then Comey took his team into the White House and went after one of the most patriotic Americans we have, Lt General Mike Flynn. Kangaroo Courts put everyone they could behind bars with fake FISA’s and dossiers. A few got fired. A couple week’s ago Strozk and Paige went to Federal Court and were given a $2,000,000 award for losing their treasonous positions. They should have been put on a scaffold with Comet, Hildabeast, Hunterand many others!
      Trump, “by the way” did a great job. And if these members of the “Coup d’Etat” hadn’t been sniping at him everytime he turned around. Think how successful he would have been! And then they rigged the 2020 using 51 Federal Employees to sign a false statement saying Hunter’s laptop was contaminated by Russian lies. The FB-Lie knew in March 2020 that the information was 100% legit. And since this time, to keep him out they have set-up Kangaroo Courts by the White House Counsel to break his piggybank and put him in prison to keep him out of the White House. And now, he’s been shot, another man murdered in-front of his family, 2 others wounded and the assassin sent to “a better place”. And yesterday, because of Democratisch-Marxis lies and brainwashing, another attemped “Butler” was made on him. Dear Dems, please send all that extra money you have each month to Springfield, Ohio and Charleroi, Pennsylvania that have received more illegal invaders than they can feed. Maybe we should send these illegals to a home of everyone that loses a loved one because of the 400 Americans dying each day from Fentanyl?

  12. Joe, you are very naive. America was back on the right track to being better with a stronger economy, paying less for the items we pay for now, no wars were started, the Constitution was the law of the land, there were more jobs here in America, and there is so much more. Were you sleeping for those four years? Why don’t you find a purchase you made during the Trump administration and repurchase those items? You will see how much the cost of living has increased since early 2020 during the Trump Administration. I have done this exact thing on several of my purchases, and I now pay about $100 more for the same items. I also forgot to mention the illegal invasion, AKA Human Trafficking that WAS NOT created by the Trump Administration!


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