Hospital Claims Pre-Born Babies Know They’Re Trans



This is insane. I was born in the 90s and I just don’t recall all this being forced upon us growing up. I feel bad for the children of this generation

Who else feels like they’ve been having a prolonged nightmare from which they can’t awaken for the past 3 years?


    • Boston’s children hospital should be ashamed for posting that and the moron who said it should be fired and her medical degree removed. God created these children not Doctors. They only know what is taught them.

    • You are so true. What is even worse is that they are the ones in charge of your health and well being. How stupid can they be.

  1. Oh lordy….Boston Children’s Hospital…enough said. This fruit-loop woman is an example of what happens when you let nuts run the asylum.

  2. This is quite a switch for the woke Marxist dummycrats. For years, like since 1973, they’ve been saying a fetus is nothing more than a mess of flesh with no brain activity at all. The fetus doesn’t even know it’s being killed during an abortion. NOW they say the fetus knows whether it’s a fag or not? Kind of shoots the abortion argument all to hell. Why are they still fighting so hard to force all states to have legalized abortion? Won’t that lower the fag population?

  3. Is there a tremendous shortage of jobs that Anyone is permitted to use,abuse,others,CHILDREN for a buck?
    Nevermind our young people are naturally confused,questioning everything,Adults SHOULD have enough sense to put children first and not just monetarily momentarily

  4. I am so glad my girls are all grown up and no where near Boston! Insane, when did psychology get raised up a solid science anyway?
    What a disgusting smirk on her face the whole time too!

  5. Wilddog you nailed it brother. Now it’s a baby, a child. This is TOTAL INSANITY. It’s not at all about transgenderism or transwhatever. It’s about MONEY. These treatments to change hormones and mind altering procedures are for life. Pharma and this EVIL administration to them it’s about MONEY and more MONEY. That is CLEAR like the bible says, (The ROOT of ALL EVIL is the LOVE of MONEY- 1Timothy 6:10). The DEATH CULT is on the RISE. This government wants more than the DEATH of it’s own people, UNBELIEVABLE. Thank you Candace for the update.

  6. Regardless of anyof the views expressed by everyone, one thing is clear that we are all created by God and in the image of God! We mist accept eachother as God’s children annd seek Him about this contraversial subjrct!! Personally I will love everyone, gay or straight because God commanded us to and nor judge because we are not the creator!!!


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