Media Humiliated As Trump Indictment Implodes!!!



Any one who can make these demons that mad , makes me lover President Trump even more

Love the update on the Trump case. It clarifies what so many of us have been thinking and that is, that there is no case. This DA should have charges brought against him and at the very least be disbarred for intentional misuse of the judicial system.

I would very much appreciate a notification when the book comes out. Thanks for all you do in reporting the truth.


  1. Alvin Bragg is an incompetent stupid fool, like Biden and Harris. With his last name and speeled the same way, I’d bet his ancestors were owned by Civil War general Braxton Bragg. Since Alvin has proven he’s a worthless lawyer he should go back south and get with the current relatives of Braxton Bragg and get a job Alvin is qualified to do, cotton picker.

  2. 1st of all my question is this: Where is the actual evidencial proof that Stormy Daniels had a sexual affair with Donald J. Trump who at that time was married to Melania Trump? The other scenario is why hasn’t the GOP initiated legal action against George Soros and his son for Treason in the form of taking the actions of funding the destruction of America and the Capatalistic Country into a Communistic Country? Legal actions should immediately be initiated against Soros and his son!

  3. Just like every time befor, i get a good laugh at the democrats and their lying news station that blow up the lies on Trump only to be made the fools like the democrats they serve. So keep up the stupid BS of yours, it keeps me laughing. Just saying lol dumb azz’s, they never learn do they ???


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