I must Entirely protest the headline,….
Kamala Harris lost because she was and Is a Complete and total failure,…. as a vice president,…. as a protector of the constitution and rule of law,…. And is a dedicated supporter of the Democrat lawless and and Anti-American agenda,…. And so Dimwitted she couldn’t even preface her lies in arguable speech,…. but instead tried to hide her Ignorance and failure with word-salads,…. incomprehensible to the educated and the uneducated alike,…. and so became a failure at running for election,…. In Other words she is a liar and a Dip-shit
I must Entirely protest the headline,….
Kamala Harris lost because she was and Is a Complete and total failure,…. as a vice president,…. as a protector of the constitution and rule of law,…. And is a dedicated supporter of the Democrat lawless and and Anti-American agenda,…. And so Dimwitted she couldn’t even preface her lies in arguable speech,…. but instead tried to hide her Ignorance and failure with word-salads,…. incomprehensible to the educated and the uneducated alike,…. and so became a failure at running for election,…. In Other words she is a liar and a Dip-shit