What Edward Snowden Just Said About Israel-Hezbollah Is SHOCKING, Pay Attention!



Instead of arming Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan; US tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education, homelessness etc

Instead of arming Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan; US tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education, homelessness etc


  1. As far as the exploding pager type devices go I look like at as Israeli fighting fire with fire.
    Hamas made a secret and unjust surprise attack on unarmed Israeli civilians totally out of line an without warning to the civilian life. Isreali made some devices hamas/Hezbollah had to plan their future attacks self proclaimed when they said fear of Isreali listening in on the more modern devices they had but forgo for less modern types of electronic communication an apparently less reliable too.
    Now you tell me who is the group(s)recognized by almost the entire world as a (terrorist(s) group(s)?
    I can wait but I won’t because its so obvious anyone with half a brain knows the only time Isreal has ever attack any outside group it has been a case of self defense if anyone tries to tell different tell them to go back to school and start over from the beginning then when they learn to read an write if they are given lessons on the Holocaust work your butt off until you can afford a bus ticket to visit the Museum in California name for people to go to see feel an hear what happened to all those people well over 6 million Jews but even more non Jews if you count the soviets 1.6 million from one place 1.4 in another millions upon millions more from all over Europe An Soviet Russia Italia (not so many just in 10’0 of thousands France at least 2 million the list long the bodies had to be buried with bulldozers when the allies arrive to stop illnesses and the urge of a sense for non stop retching from the for miles in nearby town those they away from those thousands of rotting corpses did escape their punishment either troops gather up all the civilians from the cities and took them to the camp that those in town had only known as labor camps (nor starvation death camps or gas chambers camps to rid the world not Germany not the 3rd Riech but the entire world was the goal and not just Jews but the old the infirm those in asylum (but knowing what I know about how patients in insane asylums and how they were treated it may have been a heaven sent blessing to pulled from an asylum and shoot to death as soon as you were outside or take into the country in the back of truck before being shot so the people would know what happened? To you or your body. Men, Women Children agays, Lesbians all deemed to old to informed unfit sickly genetically mismatched as a human any number of criteria made-up standards (sic) just put the best of the best in sights of the nazis in charge ofpurifying the German race especially if your were more physically fit stringer taller handsome more intelligent could get you removed from a high level skilled project and summarily executed for no other reason or no reason at all. A whim of guards superior demanding the guard to shoot a person the superior picks out maybe has the guard pick some out just to test his favoritism?who knows? That’s the point when I have an army of Sociopaths, lead by a maniacal sociopath. Then their are those who look back and say those were the good days. The days they refer to are those before and those after I’m familiar with both through living history of my grandparents on both sides of my family my mothers parents as well as my father’s side all my grandparents lived well into their late 80’s or longer and could still talk and make sense only two became bedridden that was both my grand mothers living well in to their 90’s one just shy of 100 the other until 92-3 some where around that. The things they did the events they lived through
    But, that’s for another time.


    ,Sleep tight
    Don’t let the bed


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