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Walmart’s HOSTILE TAKEOVER of the American Economy…

Walmart’s HOSTILE TAKEOVER of the American Economy…



Paid off my credit card 3 months ago, paid my vehicle off this past paycheck. Been extremely frugal with my spending for the past year and will continue to be so to work on my goal of financial independence. It’s a long road and arduous road but I refuse to be a debt slave.

I hope we all know that it doesn’t matter who is in the ‘top job’ because this is a systemic problem — greed. We have allowed many of our economic sectors, to take advantage of the American people. It’s disgusting and frightening for the future of our country. My wife and I will be retiring in the next two years n another country. We are absolutely worried that SSI will no longer be funded. we’ll have to rely on my pension, a 403 (b) and a very prolific lnvestment account with my Abby Joseph Cohen my FA. Our national debt is bloating and expanding every month. Our government needs to get spending under control and cut the federal budget.

Walmart's HOSTILE TAKEOVER of the American Economy...

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