The Democrats disgust me. They are fighting against what the American people want. We voted for change. We want accountability. We want audits of all the agencies in the Federal government to see if cuts can be done to help reduce our federal deficit. They refused to make cuts when doing the budget over the past several years while our nation continues to accumulate more and more debt that is unsustainable! Our country is bankrupt, and the American people want the deficit reduced. The Democrats are fighting against the will of the American people. Even many Democrats are disgusted with what they are doing. Why are they the enemy of the American people? Why are they fighting to keep all this waste in place? Are they getting kickbacks from these programs? Is the money going in their pockets? Why do they want to continue to fight against cuts to make our government more efficient. If you remember, during Biden’s 4 years in office, every month when they put out the jobs that were created for the month which would be an inaccurate number because a couple weeks later the numbers would be reduced, and we found out most of the jobs were created in the federal government. His jobs report was adjusted to make him look good, but in reality, more bloat was being added to federal government because the jobs “he created” were federal government jobs. The reduction in the work force of the federal government is needed since a lot of people hired in the past 4 years under the Biden administration were hired only to make his jobs creation look good for the month. These people most likely were not needed in the government but got their jobs so Biden could say we created 200,000 jobs this month. Why are the democrats fighting against the American people and what we want to accomplish? They are so out of touch with most Americans. They are living in a fantasy, and they are preventing the American people from getting what we voted for because they have a vendetta against Donald Trump and everyone that supports him. They are so angry with President Trump and his supporters (which is more than half of the American people, which includes Democrats, Libertarians, Republicans, and Independents) that they are hell bent to destroy any progress President Trump is trying to accomplish and harming the American people and they don’t even care. If they think they will ever win an election again with a 29% approval rating by acting like this and putting roadblocks in to stop President Trump’s agenda which is the agenda of more than half of the American people, good luck. Keep up the roadblocks, the character assassinations, the anger, the nasty rhetoric, the inciting of protests, riots and everything else you are doing, and you will never be in power again because WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ARE TIRED OF IT AND YOUR RIDICULOUS POLICIES and we will run all of you out of office. PLEASE JUST STOP ALL THIS NONSENSE AND GET ON BOARD WITH MAKING OUR GOVERNMENT EFFICIENT, REMOVING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, REDUCING OUR DEFICIT AND PUTTING MORE MONEY IN THE POCKETS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS! You will NEVER CONTROL US. You were “elected” or “placed” in office to serve the American people. It is about time you started doing it!
I am also disgusted with the Republicans. I have been a republican since I was 5 years old. I remember arguing with the kids in my kindergarten class, why Nixon should win and not Kennedy. I have always voted Republican, but I have been so disgusted with them the past several years because they don’t do anything to challenge or stop the democrats and that is why the democrats are so out of control. They don’t STAND UP FOR THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED THEM INTO OFFICE! I have been so disgusted with them, that in 2022 I became an independent. I agree with you when they do this stuff to “keep the government running”, they do what the Democrats want. They don’t cut spending. They just try to appease the Democrats is what it always seems like. Most of them are in Congress as decorations. They certainly aren’t doing anything to represent the people who elected them into office. I believe because all they have done is sit on their laurels for the past 30 or 40 years that is how the Democrats became so out of control. The republicans never challenged anything the Democrats wanted to do. They would always back down and let them do whatever now we are in this mess. They should all be ashamed of themselves. All of them were ELECTED (OR PLACED IF CHEATING PUT THEM IN OFFICE) by the American people whether it was a democrat, republican, libertarian, or independent that voted for them, they are there to represent the American people that put them into office not their own interest. Why aren’t Republicans working harder to support the MAGA agenda? Are we a UNIPARTY now? I have always asked, when major legislature is being discussed that is going to affect the American people, why aren’t our representatives contacting their constituents to see what we want? After all, they are there to REPRESENT US! The Democrats keep saying we are ruining our Democracy. Well, they all need a refresher course in CIVICS. Because the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic which is a government for the people by the people through our elected representatives. We use democratic processes to get things done but we are not a DEMOCRACY – which is a government where the majority rules. The Democrats think we are a democracy because they think they are the majority so everything they say and do should be the law whether it is constitutional or not because they see themselves as the majority. I think a lot of republicans think we are a democracy as well because they let the democrats do whatever they want without bothering to challenge them and now we have the mess that we currently have – a huge division in our government and in our nation. The elected representatives whether democrat or republican are there to represent WE THE PEOPLE and it seems to me they have all forgotten what their job is. All on the House of Representatives and the Senate need a refresher course on Civics, how our government runs, and instruction on how our constitution works. Start doing your damn jobs! Representing your constituents! Do what is right for the American people who gave you your job and pay your salaries.
The Democrats disgust me. They are fighting against what the American people want. We voted for change. We want accountability. We want audits of all the agencies in the Federal government to see if cuts can be done to help reduce our federal deficit. They refused to make cuts when doing the budget over the past several years while our nation continues to accumulate more and more debt that is unsustainable! Our country is bankrupt, and the American people want the deficit reduced. The Democrats are fighting against the will of the American people. Even many Democrats are disgusted with what they are doing. Why are they the enemy of the American people? Why are they fighting to keep all this waste in place? Are they getting kickbacks from these programs? Is the money going in their pockets? Why do they want to continue to fight against cuts to make our government more efficient. If you remember, during Biden’s 4 years in office, every month when they put out the jobs that were created for the month which would be an inaccurate number because a couple weeks later the numbers would be reduced, and we found out most of the jobs were created in the federal government. His jobs report was adjusted to make him look good, but in reality, more bloat was being added to federal government because the jobs “he created” were federal government jobs. The reduction in the work force of the federal government is needed since a lot of people hired in the past 4 years under the Biden administration were hired only to make his jobs creation look good for the month. These people most likely were not needed in the government but got their jobs so Biden could say we created 200,000 jobs this month. Why are the democrats fighting against the American people and what we want to accomplish? They are so out of touch with most Americans. They are living in a fantasy, and they are preventing the American people from getting what we voted for because they have a vendetta against Donald Trump and everyone that supports him. They are so angry with President Trump and his supporters (which is more than half of the American people, which includes Democrats, Libertarians, Republicans, and Independents) that they are hell bent to destroy any progress President Trump is trying to accomplish and harming the American people and they don’t even care. If they think they will ever win an election again with a 29% approval rating by acting like this and putting roadblocks in to stop President Trump’s agenda which is the agenda of more than half of the American people, good luck. Keep up the roadblocks, the character assassinations, the anger, the nasty rhetoric, the inciting of protests, riots and everything else you are doing, and you will never be in power again because WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ARE TIRED OF IT AND YOUR RIDICULOUS POLICIES and we will run all of you out of office. PLEASE JUST STOP ALL THIS NONSENSE AND GET ON BOARD WITH MAKING OUR GOVERNMENT EFFICIENT, REMOVING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, REDUCING OUR DEFICIT AND PUTTING MORE MONEY IN THE POCKETS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS! You will NEVER CONTROL US. You were “elected” or “placed” in office to serve the American people. It is about time you started doing it!
I am also disgusted with the Republicans. I have been a republican since I was 5 years old. I remember arguing with the kids in my kindergarten class, why Nixon should win and not Kennedy. I have always voted Republican, but I have been so disgusted with them the past several years because they don’t do anything to challenge or stop the democrats and that is why the democrats are so out of control. They don’t STAND UP FOR THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED THEM INTO OFFICE! I have been so disgusted with them, that in 2022 I became an independent. I agree with you when they do this stuff to “keep the government running”, they do what the Democrats want. They don’t cut spending. They just try to appease the Democrats is what it always seems like. Most of them are in Congress as decorations. They certainly aren’t doing anything to represent the people who elected them into office. I believe because all they have done is sit on their laurels for the past 30 or 40 years that is how the Democrats became so out of control. The republicans never challenged anything the Democrats wanted to do. They would always back down and let them do whatever now we are in this mess. They should all be ashamed of themselves. All of them were ELECTED (OR PLACED IF CHEATING PUT THEM IN OFFICE) by the American people whether it was a democrat, republican, libertarian, or independent that voted for them, they are there to represent the American people that put them into office not their own interest. Why aren’t Republicans working harder to support the MAGA agenda? Are we a UNIPARTY now? I have always asked, when major legislature is being discussed that is going to affect the American people, why aren’t our representatives contacting their constituents to see what we want? After all, they are there to REPRESENT US! The Democrats keep saying we are ruining our Democracy. Well, they all need a refresher course in CIVICS. Because the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic which is a government for the people by the people through our elected representatives. We use democratic processes to get things done but we are not a DEMOCRACY – which is a government where the majority rules. The Democrats think we are a democracy because they think they are the majority so everything they say and do should be the law whether it is constitutional or not because they see themselves as the majority. I think a lot of republicans think we are a democracy as well because they let the democrats do whatever they want without bothering to challenge them and now we have the mess that we currently have – a huge division in our government and in our nation. The elected representatives whether democrat or republican are there to represent WE THE PEOPLE and it seems to me they have all forgotten what their job is. All on the House of Representatives and the Senate need a refresher course on Civics, how our government runs, and instruction on how our constitution works. Start doing your damn jobs! Representing your constituents! Do what is right for the American people who gave you your job and pay your salaries.