Sonny/Sunny whatever Hostin has a husband that SHE implicated for RICO Charges. Hawaii gas a Dem Mayor, DEM Gov. DEM fire dept and look at THEIR massive wildfires, destroying homes and a complete town. And Kimmel calls Republicans SCUM???? Really Doesn’t he realize HIS Fire dept is led by a lesbian, LA Mayor is DEM/Black yet she was in GHANA Africa because of ???WHAT??? on Tax payers dime and she was AWOL while LA burned. GAVNewsom the DEM GOV of California drained how many lakes because of a fish?
So , just whom are the scum Kimmel? You are not funny
Sonny/Sunny whatever Hostin has a husband that SHE implicated for RICO Charges. Hawaii gas a Dem Mayor, DEM Gov. DEM fire dept and look at THEIR massive wildfires, destroying homes and a complete town. And Kimmel calls Republicans SCUM???? Really Doesn’t he realize HIS Fire dept is led by a lesbian, LA Mayor is DEM/Black yet she was in GHANA Africa because of ???WHAT??? on Tax payers dime and she was AWOL while LA burned. GAVNewsom the DEM GOV of California drained how many lakes because of a fish?
So , just whom are the scum Kimmel? You are not funny