Move out the TRASH. Our classy first lady Melania Trump is back in the White House
The White House SHOULD be cleaned spiritually by a Holy Spirit filled pastor to cast out all the demons and evil spirits out of that place because it was occupied by people who are NOT of God.
Hehehehe. Don’t think this country could survive any more time with FJB Dr. wannabe and the crack head. No hasta La vista for the bidens, just gone gone gone. There is a God.
Thank you Benny! I can’t wait for Our President Trump and Our First Lady Melania to be in that White House. I say this: HELL is moving out and HEAVEN IS MOVING IN!!!!!!!!!!!!
To queue: You are 100% RIGHT!
7 days to go….hurry! It’s been a long wait!
A Felon and a porn star move in again.