Newsom has a 45% approval rating but when the citizens of California had the opportunity to get him out of office they didn’t. This is what you get. Just like New York people are mad. You all voted!
Way to go Newsome and Pelosi!!!
Businesses leaving San Francisco? Sounds like KARMA to me!! WELL DESERVED KARMA!! And not just for San freaking Francisco! For ALL of California! Either the people who live there AND vote are stupid, or the California political machine has the voting system all tied up and controlled. And I don’t think the people are stupid; after all, reports are that over a million people have left Californica lately. So if I were a betting man, which a ain’t, I’d bet that the elections are all completely controlled there. If you read your Bible, try Luke 4:1-8 where you will learn that it is Satan that has control over all voting.