Give us the audio tapes! Merrick Garland refuses GOP request | Redacted w Natali & Clayton Morris



This whole administration is a joke. An outrageous joke.

Americans must demand for Merrick Garland to hand over the tapes. We have the right to know whats on them. It’s now very clear Joe needs to be removed, retired from office. He is not able to talk intelligently or act like a leader in any way.


  1. You must love your neighbor as yourself.—Jas. 2:8.Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18) is now drawing together “a great crowd” of people and training them as subjects of his Kingdom. (Rev. 7:9, 10) NOTE; Despite living today in a world divided by fear and war, those making up this group strive to overcome all national, tribal, and personal hatreds. They are already symbolically beating their swords into plowshares. (Mic. 4:3) Instead of participating in wars that cause so much death, they are helping people to find “the real life” by teaching them about the true God and his purposes. (1 Tim. 6:19) Family members may turn against them or they may suffer financially because they support God’s Kingdom, but Jehovah makes sure that they have the things they need. (Matt. 6:25, 30-33; Luke 18:29, 30) Those facts assure us that God’s Kingdom is a reality and that it will continue to fulfill Jehovah’s God’s purpose. Almighty God Jehovah (Psalms 83:18) has also ordered us to ‘get ready;’ get ready for the great reset coming very soon. This ‘reset’ is called the Great Tribulation which ends this Satan ruled (Luke 4:1-8) system of things. If you would like to receive all of the information on hell, which does not exist, or Heaven, which does exist, please email me at [email protected] and request the information you want/NEED. If you have questions about the Bible, please ask, or email me with your questions; any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. Also, I can direct you to a free HOME Bible study course where you can study the Bible FOR FREE IN YOUR OWN HOME. Ask for the link to the Bible study via email. Please carefully note; WE WERE CREATED TO LIVE FOREVER! But, why did Adam die? He disobeyed and lost the perfection (ALL of Almighty God’s works are perfect) that is needed for everlasting life. This is now required of those who wish to live forever; obey our Now ruling king, Jesus. The reward? Returning, gradually, to perfection and everlasting life.


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