Ghetto Democrat LOSES HER MIND In Rant Against ‘The White Man’ Over GOP SHUTTING DOWN DEI Offices!



I’m black and did 13 yrs in prison and I’ve EARNED my HVAC License as well as my Class A CDL and OWN my Truck and Company!! I EARNED IT!! Eff DEI handouts it’s destroying and making people lazy!!

I love how black women always announce that they are black women.


  1. It might seem hard to believe, but seems to me that even people who say they are a person of color are the most RACIST people there is. Even though we are all COLORED!!

  2. I will speak MLK’s name, whenever I please. Don’t try to tell us what we can and cannot talk about. Your censorship policies have been denounced by the American voters, so STFU and go away. Stick your diversity, where the sun don’t shine. Maybe, your own people shouldn’t have sold folks into slavery. How do people vote these crazy women into Congress? Are the voters all that dumb? Africa sent all of their undesirables to America and now they’re in Congress. These race baiters love to revise history.

  3. Presley is SO racist. She doen’t even know the things that come out of her mouth ARE Racist! Are we gonna go through this again and live in the past? I had NOTHING to do with slavery…yet, there were all races of slaves, not just blacks (and whites)!

  4. Black women need to knock it off everybody is sick of this shit and its only making people hate you even MORE THAN WE ALREADY DO SHE SOUNDS MORE RACIST THAN ANYBODY T POINTING FINGERS CRYING RACISM! PLEASE YOUR ALL ASSHOLE S

  5. Kammy isn’t black. Who should I believe? Her, or my lying eyes? While I’m on the subject, Liz Warren isn’t a native American.

    • She is Eastern Indian on mom’s side. Her mom born in India to Indian parents and Hindu so her mom raised Kam and her sister Hindu when she took them to Canada when they were very little – her father was Catholic. Her mom and mom’s parents list Caucasian on birth certificate. K-mal listed causation on her birth certificate. Kam’s Father D-nald Harris is Irish & Syrian Jew on his father’s side and his mother was born in Eastern India. Kam’s father D-nald H-rris looks white in features and straight hair. He lists himself as Caucasian on birth certificate. He may be slightly darker due to mom’s skin being eastern Indian. K-mela looks nothing like her father or mother in features. She was born h-rmaphrodite and had surgery to convert her to female so she most likely has pain in her reproductive area and then that is why she is on her knees with men; as generally, that genital surgery renders a person with chronic pain in g-nital area. So she may have been born male but with micro p-n-s. This is called Kleinfelters Syndrome – these people have xxy chromosome so the xy for male is in the majority of their DNA but they have the extra x that gives some minor female characteristics. However, they are infertile and cannot produce sperm or have very low sperm as they have a prostate gland so they lean more towards male in characteristics – male is dominant trait with this syndrome. These people do NOT have ov-ries nor u-erus so there is no way to bear children. So hence that is why she did not bear children. It all fits and the pieces of puzzle join together. Her personality, character, her cackle clown laugh and her policies are garbage and that is why she was NOT ELECTED. It had nothing to do with her color, religion, ethnicity or where her parents were born. She did not have the intelligence. She also cheated on her law bar exam and failed the first time, so she had someone else take it for her. She was ruthless as prosecutor and punished the blacks with unwarranted extra time in jail to serve as free labor for the state of CA. Had she been black, she would not have done that to her own race – this proves she was not black she she had no respect nor affinity for the blacks in prison who were incarcerator in extremely harsh sentences for marijuana, when she claims she smoked marijuana too and laughed about it. She is an unfair evil person and that is why I did not vote for her – I never saw her color. Also, she claims to defend women when her husband impregnated the nanny of his children. Doug also assaulted his ex-girlfriend in public. And this is the man she married and lives with – a terror. Birds of a feather flock together. So she is the lowest of the low and unfit to be Commander in Chief of any nation – I believe she would be fine as a custodian cleaning bathrooms somewhere or retired somewhere where she can do not harm, no more to cause havoc. One of her male college friends died under mysterious circumstances. There were suspicions thrown on her but the mystery was never solved as to who poisoned him? Hmmmmmmmm I wonder who it was? Her book should have been titled. SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET. Her own father hated her and has told many she is an evil person not to be trusted.

  6. Well, you see, some folks get preferential treatment and certain advantages if they claim to be a “minority”. That’s why they do it.

  7. GREAT PROGRAM. YOU STATED YOUR ARGUMENT WITH PROOF BETTER THAN THE CONGRESSMAN. Also on applications, the questions are: What is your sexual preference (the answers are everything under the sun, I did not know what pan-sexual was – gross when I looked it up, are you a trans person?, what are your pronouns and at least a dozen are listed. GOD BLESS YOU FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH. I always lover your content and you are so articulate.


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