Due process is for US citizens, not illegals.
As a Trump supporter..I loved when Obama ran..I was all for it..then he started letting men into women’s bathrooms..then I started to learn about liberals..and left wing democrats..And all that pushed me right into MAGA. I don’t understand why people think skin color means anything..I judge character…period
Love your videos full of truth bombs. When someone breaks into our country without following laws, that is illegal, and that means ALL of those people are criminals. Coming here without permission, without following our laws is a criminal act.
While they might be starting with the illegals who committed murder, rape, burglary, etc. once we got those out, then we need to continue to go after the rest of the criminals which is every person who snuck in illegally without following our laws. That is a slap in the face to everyone born here (that does not include anchor babies as their parents are not legal) and it’s also a slap in the face to all the naturalized citizens who respected our laws and spent their time and money to come the right way.