It doesn’t take discipline to read the Bible, it takes help from the Holy Spirit. Ask for help today!✝️
Just because prophecy is not happening in your backyard doesn’t mean it’s not happening
It doesn’t take discipline to read the Bible, it takes help from the Holy Spirit. Ask for help today!✝️
Just because prophecy is not happening in your backyard doesn’t mean it’s not happening
Israel – The name God gave to Jacob. It came to refer to all his descendants collectively, at any one time. The descendants of Jacob’s 12 sons were often called the sons of Israel, the house of Israel, the people (men) of Israel, or the Israelites. Israel was also used as the name for the ten-tribe northern kingdom that broke away from the southern kingdom, and later as a term for anointed Christians, “the Israel of God.”—Ga 6:16; Ge 32:28; 2Sa 7:23; Ro 9:6. The ‘anointed’ Christians number 144,000 and they will serve with Jesus as rulers over the earth during the resurrection, coming very soon. If you have questions, I have the answers from the Bible;
And yes, we are in the final days and Jesus is NOW active on the earth as he prepares for the end of Satan who NOW rules the earth, but only for a short time more.