People thought nobody could be dumber than AOC, but Jasmine Crocket said “Hold my beer.”
This woman said she “wants Trump to grow a spine.”
If she had to face half of the heat he has _breezed through_ over the last decade, she wouldn’t last FIVE MINUTES.
The word ignorant was invented for her!
she/it is to dumb, to know how stupid she/it is. this is common with demon-rats. The good news is, there are now 5 million less stupid voters. The other 17 million that voted for Obiden in 2020, stayed in their graves in 2024, never showed up.
Congressmen and women should have to pass an IQ test before being sworn in.
we tried that with voting, back in the day. IT ended up being very racist. Now having an ID is racist, even though, everyone HAS to possess an ID… SOS (stuck on stupid)
Jasmine is just another hoe from the hood, and every time she speaks she reinforces the meaning of the words STUPID HOE.
She’s actually not from THE HOOD. She was raised in Christian Schools and Universities.
Very expensive Schools on top of that.
Nobody would vote for her in her INHERITED ENVIRONMENT.
So she had to go the HOOD rout.
Only HOOD MINDED people would vote for trash like that.
She’s giving her BLACK RACE a bad look.
You can also include Whoopi, Mad Maxine,Hockeem,Green,Big Mike,the list goes on and on and on.
Anyone agree !?
I do, my reference to her hood hoe attitude is her desire for the hood vote.
I was taught to NOT dis-grace MY race. I can’t help others with theirs…. dat oen dim. ey ceen du nuffin hep dim
Brer Rabbit?
Any person who calls the POTUS another leader’s Hoe (added the e for respect to the readers) is from the hood or has family that influenced their upbringing from the hood.
Why would anyone want to ask that stupid bimbo anything? The idiot mayor of NY City needs to grow a spine. Maybe he could order one on Amazon.
JJ Hibs, a lot of congressmen and women don’t have an IQ much higher than their shoe size, so how can you expect them to pass an IQ test?
many in congress cannot get a credit card in their name. WHY would we let someone like that, spend OUR money? answer: socialism & slavery
The Counter revolution is only starting to grind down Crockett and her co conspirators. With every day the approval numbers go down on the Democrat party, and this kind of unhinged racist blather is a major reason why. The lying and cheating are being exposed, and the Bullying techniques that used to work don’t work anymore. Being called out for racism by a blatant racist like Crockett is a badge of honor.
jasmine is making black women look stupid
the DIM hate blacks & women. “strike two”….
Anyone who listens to one person and judges all people in that group is stupid. Joe Biden does not make white men look bad.