Ukraine DESPERATELY Regretting Not Signing 2022 Peace Deal! w/ The Duran



The videos of Ukrainian young men being kidnapped, thrown into vehicles (one he is ripped from his mother’s arms) and sent to the front line, a death sentence, tells me ALL I need to know about Zelensky. Horrible. This must end, and he doesn’t want it to.

1) Had the U.S. not overthrown the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014, Ukraine would still be intact today, including Crimea.
2) Had Ukraine simply complied with Minsk2 in 2015, Ukraine would’ve kept the entire Donbass region and all of its “rare earth minerals” without a fight.
3) Had Ukraine not rejected the Istanbul agreements in 2022, hundreds of thousands Ukrainians would still be alive today.


  1. Biden had to make a change there so he could get his cut of all that was sent there He even said as much in a meeting DROP charge againt my son are you want get anything hunter did make plenty from the TAX payer on that one

  2. Trump was correct to kick Zelensky’s ass out of the WH. Sometimes you have to treat people like the assholes that they are. Zelensky is a dictator. He canceled elections and he doesn’t want the war to end. Maybe the military might turn on Zelensky and remove him from office.

  3. Back in 2014 (I think), Obummer wanted Ukraine to get rid of their nukes. Had they not done that, they never would have been invaded.

  4. Zelensky was counting on the American democrats to back him, I guess he thought they wanted to keep the money flowing to line their pockets and his. But the dynamic has changed now that Trump has been elected, and the democrats are scared! They are scrambling to cover their own asses, and they will drop support like a hot potato. Why would Zelensky believe that the democrats would have his back? The democrats are loud-mouthed cowards, always have been. Case in point, they covered up Joe Biden’s cognitive decline,they lied for years, but once Biden lost the debate, Obama,Pelosi and co. sunk the knife deep into Joe’s back! So now the little punk has no choice but to deal with a “real president”!

  5. Uncle Sugars money is what the Europeans want to continue. They only look upon us as ” The Mark “. to be drained of funds ever since the German Marshal plan. Kennedy was shot because he was looking at going back to the gold standard disrupting the expansive FIAT currency, that is just printed from thin air, as well as being on the record stating he wanted to get out of Vietnam. Too many people had their grift threatened, Kennedy out, Lyndon Baines Johnson in, then drove the country in a ditch.


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