Alec Baldwin Has Violent Psychotic Break, THREATENS To Kill Trump Comedian On-TV: ‘Snap Your Neck’



Baldwin belongs in prison

It angers me that he shot and killed a woman and is walking free!!!!


  1. Alec Baldwin? do We know that name ?
    Ohhh yeah that criminal who shot a woman in the face with a Revolver, and smoked enough pole to get away with it.

  2. Does that really surprise you?He got away with cold-blooded.Murder democrats seem to be above the law and above god sadly

  3. Well it want be the first time he has killed a innocent person and he is slimy enough to do it , Cant say i am a fan of the baldwins name are work

  4. Let me put it this way. I don’t admire Alec Baldwin, ok? I believe like most he is a fucking over-paid actor like a lot of the other Hollywood types. Too bad really good actors have to be associated with him/his ilk. Saying that, a jury exonerated him…period! I know, I know, he didn’t have to go to prison or whatever the judge passed judgement down. In the past I worked in court. I have witnessed different judgements. This is why we have the world’s best judicial system….however flawed at times, but considering what Russia has, who would you want to have sentence upon you? simple dope possession…five years?
    This is the hard part for me, that I come to his defense…ugh! I know firearms, what constitute loaded/unloaded. I own a 45 Colt like the one used in the movie. It doesn’t take much effort or knowledge to inspect it for a loaded cylinder. He relied on the ability of the armorers knowledge, or lack thereof, to put in his hand a revolver that performed liked it should have….not fire a LIVE round. Misfeasance on her part. Now we can go on infinitum about the wherefores. In the final analysis, she fucked up! Baldwin, gulp, to his defense relied on her to furnish a weapon that functioned accordingly. Should he have re-checked the revolver to make sure that it in fact it was chambered with blanks? (A blank can kill. Remember that other Hollywood kid…Phoenix, who put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger?) I don’t know what the protocol is for that. Is it incumbent for him to re-check the firearm? Why he pointed the firearm towards her…he said he didn’t pull the trigger…the round fired….BS testimony he provided exonerated him. My belief? He was fucking around and pointed it at her,(we’ll never know the truth) or in her direction for the cameras take, the round hit her, exited her and hit the other guy! the 45 Colt is a very powerful round, a quarter pound of lead. It is not high in velocity but will penetrate soft tissue easily. It can and will kill a deer-sized animal. He walked!! I’m done.


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