Trump admin. removes first female leader of a US military branch



Minority here, idc about gender or race. Competency and merit are all that matters.

Sex, race, sexual orientation, etc DON’T MATTER! The content of someone’s character and how well they do they job does


  1. She is not qualified for leadership Biden spread Wokeism into the government Agencies and Military CNN is corrupt and Lier’s that’s why they are losing viewers and going out of business.

  2. Good question, Brie. My understanding, majority of them were not earned. Many, many generals pick them out, what they like and just puts those ribbons on. The ribbons were not earned. If you look up these ribbons, there are Army ribbons, Marine Corps ribbons, Navy ribbons. Umm, guess she went through all services!

  3. Commissioned officers take care of each other when it comes to awards and decorations. “You put me in for this, and when I get promoted, I’ll put you in for that”. Then they do a write-up that make’s them look like they walk on water. Usually when I’d see one of these guys with lettuce up to his shoulder, I’d think to myself, “divide by 3” and that’s what he should have.
    I was put in for a high award as a sergeant. What I had done was “above and beyond”. The Major that ran the awards section T Bragg HQ’s didn’t like enlisted ranks and thought the award the General reccomended was too much. So he knocked it down to Army Commendation Medal with 1st Oak Leaf Cluster. Meanwhile, this same Major was transferring to his next assignment and got MY MEDAL! A Meritorious Service Medal. And what did he do that was meritorious? He did his job, ran the awards section. Nothing above or beyond. That’s how it work’s. A buddy of mine in Vietnam got an Army Commendation Medal for a mission he was on. Then they read-off this Major’s citation next to him. The Meritorious Service Medal, “for service above and beyond” blah,,,,,,. My buddy was with his 12-man team. He looked at this Major’s citation next to him and asked: “Where were you”? The Major responded with, “I was in the rear during the operation running the communication’s section”. My friend ripped the ribbon he was awarded off, threw in in the mud and scuffed it in the ground. He told that Major, “How dare you get a higher award than us guys out there where the bullets were flying, and your safe in the rear”.


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