DICTATOR: Gavin Newsom shows his DARK SIDE with Vindictive New Plan



Gavin needs to be removed

He is the worst of the worst. He is a waste of a human.


    • Newsome can’t be that dumb, he must be paid by our enemies to hurt the USA as much as possible. Same goes for all the EXTREME LEFT. It is sneaky TREASON!

    • Newsome can’t be that dumb, he must be paid by our enemies to hurt the USA as much as possible. Same goes for all the EXTREME LEFT. It is sneaky TREASON!

  1. Ever think chump might lying? He has zero clue as to what it takes to run a country….he I’d up the whole covid pandemic and he is going to further f up this country again. Gulf of America, Panama canal, Canada, Greenland!!! All of it! You are just going to let it happen by having votes him in again!!!

    • Oh go to bed idiot. You clearly are
      so thoroughly misinformed that the rest of your days will be spent gnashing your teeth and blaming others for your idiocy. We don’t have the desire to watch.

    • How can you possibly say anything anymore after having 4 years of each president? Talk about stupid. You literally don’t even need to debate anymore bc you can open your eyes and look at cold hard facts. No president has received more votes from the opposing party than trump just did. He swung the swing states like it was recess. Hostages are already being negotiated for and he hasn’t taken office yet. South America and Mexico particularly have already made it harder to get into the country. Russia, China, South Korea and Iran have already started pulling back the reigns economically and defensively. All the fake woke spokespeople have realized their stupidity caused more damage than good and are walking it back. Dems are blaming anyone but themselves yet including their own voters most of all. New laws are already being implemented in states like Cali to slow the surging crime they basically endorsed. Leaders who took advantage of Biden are now meeting trump at Mar a lago to bend the knee like Trudeau. The radical leftwing media has stopped their creepy trump delusion obsession and started coming out as normalized humans realizing their lies and propaganda is what cost them the election. Biden was part of the single biggest government cover,up in US history and it will all come out soon enough. He has brought people from all classes, religions, sexual orientations, ages, etc to the right bc he didn’t treat anyone like a meaningless statistic to gain votes from. He treated them with respect they deserve, equally. Oh yeah, did I mention he hasn’t even started his SECOND term yet? Stop acting like he’s the bad guy. The world under Bidens handlers just turned out one of the worst 4 year periods in American history and with more corruption than ever seen. People woke up alright. That’s the real woke. Biden is a criminal and his family is all guilty. His friends weren’t there for him they were there to use him, including his fake doctor wife. We’ve been laughing at the left for 12 years now bc of how obvious the lies and corruption was and in plain sight and now this is the result. California RIGHT now is the completely sad yet perfect example of the ideology of the leftist elite and how they care only for power and nothing for its citizens.

    • Wow, it appears that you are nothing more than a ignorant liberal who has been watching to many cartoons on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC! Just go to California and bury your head in the sand, and maybe if we are lucky an earthquake will happen, and you will be washed out to sea!


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