He flies these terrorists in dark of night to our airports, sells our border fence, gives them billions of our tax dollars at every opportunity, then claims we give them no safe harbor
yet the anti gun crowd is strangely silent instead of protesting to ban cars!
Biden’s speech at the beginning of the video reminds me of a highly skilled actor portraying a mumbling, drunken, brain-dead old fool……except he’s not acting.
BADun deserves to be hanged … at least ten times then left hanging until the vultures pick the foul freak to bones!
I hate dopey Joe. I hate the sight of him and I hate the sound of his voice. He IS a mumbling, stumbling, brain-dead fool. He’s a desiccated shuffling cadaver who should be 6 feet under already. How long before Jill commits him to a nursing home?
Couldn’t have said it better. 100% agree.
Well the election may have turned a corner, hopefully, to the end of the media being the most influential source for people to get information and ultimately make informed decisions about where the society is headed. They still have the public education system but we can still start affecting that also. I think DEI, liberalism, lying media, and the current administration is finally a bridge too far. But we must not only prove our side can perform but tell why our way is better.
His whole family is white trash and their actions have proved it over and over.
Biden is a sickening lump of shit. He has never been a decent person or politician and has made many millions from being corrupted. Now that he only has a few days left to be president he will make sure he will do everything that is dishonest and disgusting to our country. I wish he would be taken out. Biden is a complete disgrace to our country. Biden could drop dead tomorrow and it would be a blessing.