Jen Psaki is having a meltdown over this



Never interrupt your enemy while they make a mistake

SHHHHH, Hivemind! You should encourage them to support Kamala or AOC! Never interrupt your opponent while they are making a mistake!


  1. Jessica Tarlov agreed with Psaki on The Five last week. She also swore abortion was going to put Harris in the white house and knocking on doors was a wonderful idea. STRONG and WRONG Jessica.

  2. After listening to Jen Psaki, it is very clear why they lost. Woke doesn’t work and never will. Psaki speaks well but she’s not very bright. Imagine being married to someone like that with an obvious lack of smarts.

    • Ms. Psedo Psaki (little Red lyinghood) and the DIMs are the queens of mis-information. They NEVER tell the truth. Just like Hitlery Rotten Clinton and nutty Nancy Pig-loves-me…. throw a bucket of water on any of them, they will melt, like any witch would….

  3. What is so wrong, is these woke’s that lost so badly, have No shame in their game. How can you have so much Egg on your face and still think your opinioin matters ? You would think after the beat down they suffered and all the money they wasted soneone would have half a brain, but no ! they think AOC will solve their problems. The truth being, it will be at least 3 generations from now, before the Left has an even chance of re establishing their party. Vance will be the next Preident and Karfi Lake the next VP.

  4. I can only hope that I never see another corrupt,anti-american Demonrat administration as president of our country in my lifetime because they will move much faster than dementia Joe did to destroy America and AOC the nutjob will be perfect for that job with her ridiculous radical ideas

    • IF you do not kill all the socialist in the next 4 years, YOU will have failed to protect your family and your country. The chaos is coming, IF they are allowed to live. Death to tyrants. Liberty or death


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