Trans “BLOB” Has MELTDOWN And DEMANDS That His Pronouns Are SHE/HER



“What the hell is even that!?”

It’s depressing to see a person in this type of physical and mental condition. Thanks for your honesty about this issue


  1. Sorry, I am female and 77 years old and I’ve never known a woman that looks like that. This isn’t a male/female problem, this is a sickness. You’ll never immediately identify a true “transgender”. The “true” transgender will dress and act according to their “chosen” sex. The “Blob” is a totally different story.

    • I refer to stuff like this as she/it. Also fits Hitlery Rotten Clinton, AOC, Whoopi, Joy(less), R. Madcow. Amerika needs to start building guillotines, hundreds of them/they

  2. “Why are we having this discussion.? You don’t know what gender is?”
    BUBBete , YOU don’t know what gender is , nor do you even know what YOU ARE! I shall explain. Your lack of care for your appearance . Your “haircut”, is beyond the pale. It is abhorrently bad. Not only in looks, but it makes you look paler than you already are. Bad clothing choice.
    YOU are not a she , and I question your maleness.
    It must be that you were on the way to a mental health hospital , and got lost by the GPS , and wound up at a school board meeting.
    Please , reset the address for the Mental Health Facility and go! As fast as your rotund body can carry you.

  3. If no one will oppress them to the degree that they need to validate their sense of victimhood, they will condemn and attack the prevailing Culture until they do. Resolution is not actually wanted by them, however much they declare that they do.

  4. THANK YOU FOR THE TRUTH CHRISTIAN BROTHER. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST BLESS PRES TRUMP HIS FAMILY AND HIS VOTERS AND SUPPORTERS. THERE IS NO HEALTHY tr-ns person – this is a mental illness which needs counseling not reinforcement of their illness. A diabetic cannot eat sugar or it will be detrimental. If a diabetic eats sugar he is harming himself – so a Dr will never reinforce a diabetic’s consumption of sugar because it makes the patient feel better or he enjoys it liek a tr-ns enjoys putting on a show or make up and pretending to be the opposite sex fooling him/herself and trying to fool the public. Trans is SIN and GOD LORD JESUS CHRIST ON JUDGMENT DAY WILL PLACE THE LIARS AND UNREPENTENT SINNERS IN THE ETERNAL LAKE OF FIRE OF PAIN BECAUSE THEY CAUSED CONFUSION AND LIES AND PAIN TO THE PEOPLE ON EARTH IN VARIOUS METHODS: WORDS, DEEDS, THOUGHTS. THESE ARE THE WORDS OF THE OLD & NEW TESTAMENT WRITTEN BY THE LORD GOD ALMIGHT JESUS CHRIST THE WORD OF GOD: “GOD CREATED ONLY MALE AND FEMALE IN HUMANS AND ANIMALS” HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN AND THEY WILL NOT BE SAVED OR GO TO HEAVEN TO HAVE ETERNAL LIFE, NEITHER WILL THOSE WHO CROSS-DRESS OR PRETEND TO BE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX.


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