Never thought I’d see a law that let’s people steal up to 900.00 with zero penalties to begin with. Its wrong on so many levels
It isn’t homeless, hungry people doing this, it is organized gangs and flash mobs.
Never thought I’d see a law that let’s people steal up to 900.00 with zero penalties to begin with. Its wrong on so many levels
It isn’t homeless, hungry people doing this, it is organized gangs and flash mobs.
In the Bible, stealing was punished by making the thief pay three times or whatever to the owner. But in Jesus’ day, two thieves were crucified along side of him. Perhaps we should sentence these repeat thieves with harsher and harsher penalties until there’s no recourse but the death penalty.
Cut their hands off
I am still far downing any one running out of a store not paying for what they run out with That should be a good thing .No store can stay open when ppl seal that much from them unless they raise the price WAYYYYY and make other pay for there thiefs
This is great. Arrest the thieves. This also needs to happen in NY City.
The biggest thieves are in DC and the halls of Congress. When will their grift be prosecuted and stopped?!!!