Only people who put money into Social Security should be able to get it when they retire.
Trump is awesome. He’s working his butt off to help save America with God’s help. I wish BIDEN and the other freaking creeps would leave him alone.
Joe Biden is one Brain Dead ASSHOLE COMMIE POS
100%right. He is evil, he follow everything that the Antichrist tells him to do.
IF We the People restore the republic, we could get rid of the “bad eggs” in swift fashion. I will sign up for the firing squad, supply my own ammo. Won’t cost America one cent.
I’ll serve with you
Dopey ol’ Joe is destroying America. The destruction started on his first day in office and fill continue until he’s finally kicked out. His latest “middle finger” is, he’s selling the unused border wall materials off, at bargain basement prices. Then Trump won’t be able to resume construction of the wall. He’ll have to buy new materials at much higher prices.
change that “He’ll” to We’ll. IT is money taken from We the People
Y’all have to remember it is Obama and his minions that are running the show. Obamas third term. He put brainless Joe in so he could run the government!
You’re right. Obummer is running The Dopey Joe Show. Everything dopey Joe did has Obummer’s fingerprints all over it.
O’Kenyan should have his mug in every post office in this country!
I would rather watch a video of his coffin being put in the ground, in Kenya.
It is time we Americans take our country back. We do not need to pay any taxes. Obviously, since the government has so much f****** money of our money that they can give billions and billions and trillions to other countries. And not help one f****** red scent with an American Patriot. The only people that advantage from the hard-working American Patriot are worthless scums and illegals in other countries.
YOU should read the 202 words of the Pre-Amble to the Declaration. “alter, abolish or SEPARATE from such evil/gov’t.
Dementia Joe was unable to run again for president because of him losing what little brains he had left so why is still making decisions that are destroying our country and why isn’t anyone trying to stop his decisions making
never forget, IT was Bill Clinton that killed citizens, using our government AGENTS and military equipment, to do it. The brainwashing since 1963 (and 1865) has been most effective. Were YOU duped? Do YOU “think” YOU can tell? I doubt it. “mere sheep”
Michael, the US government is printing money like no manana. The more money they print, the more it devalues the dollar. At some point, the US dollar will crash. No country has successfully printed its way out of debt. No one knows when the dollar will crash, but it will. Then we’ll all be left holding the bag.
I’ll be holding a 45 ACP and an 30-30 (with a BIG scope)
How can you support Trump? He is immoral, a mysoginist and a bad man. IT SHOWS HOW RIGHT WING THE EVANGELISTS REALLY ARE…
TDS is a bit much, don’t you think? Don’t worry, it’s only 4 years and then President Vance for 8 years. By that time, you’ll see another President Trump.
Remember, the last thing this country need’s is another Democratisch-Marxist in office.