She has a weird personality, I detest the medical establishment myself but I am quite satisfied to simply do all I possibly can to not need their services. There are many doctors that pushed the vile lie of the need for Covid shots and literally killed people with remdesiver and the stupid worse than useless ventilators. God will judge those monsters!
Kevin, you are correct. Just repeal Obummercare. Doctors pushed the Covid jabs because they were forced to. If they advised patients NOT to get the jab, they’d be reprimanded or have their medical license revoked. My own doctor advised me to get the Covid jab, but I never did. My body, my choice.
She blames the medical insurance companies, when much of our disease today is a result of a diet loaded with vitamin and mineral depleted food, processed food (which removes vitamins and minerals further), our reliance on pharmaceutical meds instead of a healthier lifestyle, a lack of exercise, smoking, drinking, drugging, etc, etc, etc. The health insurance companies cannot fix the decades long results of our own bad choices. And, in most cases, neither can the doctors. They give us pills to treat symptoms as the problem gets worse, because the underlying cause is not addressed. We, not the doctors, and definitely not the insurance companies–are ultimately responsible for our own health. And, there is no quick fix, no easy way out. We need to grow our own food, sustainably, organically–while replenishing minerals in the soil. Or, we need to seek out and buy produce grown on small farms, sustainably, organically. We need to let go of all regular pharmaceutical meds–instead of relying on their convenience and comfort. We need to stop smoking, drinking, recreational-drugging. And we need to go out and get exercise, fresh air, and sunshine. Insurance companies have nothing to do with our own bad choices, and resulting bad health. We did it, not them, Taylor. And government-mandated health insurance, is straight out of a communist playbook. Business and profit from it, has made this country great. Never forget it, Taylor–because communism is pure hell, that will lead to the deaths of millions of Americans, including you, journalist.
Again, the pendulum swings wildly. If a person says, “I get it,” then he/she is a horrible person who is complicit in murder. Let’s talk turkey. If some gang banger gets offed with one in the back, it doesn’t make the news, usually, does it? It is the common response of society these days. Another one bites the dust. I have bodies drop in my area at least 3 times a weekend. We are desensitized and conditioned by games, media, school shootings, mass shooting. TV and the support of insane ideation that when one is upset, disrespected, looked at sideways, cut off in traffic, then SHOOT. Blow a hole in their heads, right? Take them out. SOOO…. My point is this. When someone says that person has reached the brink of anger, frustration, hopelessness this is what they do and due to the pathetic state of society today, we are NOT surprised, are we? To say, “I understand how this could happen” is not the same as saying “I agree with it” We are a culture that is out of control of our emotions, our schools, our kids, our morality. So, why are we surprised? This man had money, position, power, along with what all folks have, ie- family, home, personal life and he was gunned down, shot in the back. Sad, unacceptable, BUT, if he saying some janitor named for example, Jose Martinez, going home from work and shot in the back by some unknown… where would the rage, the outcry be? Just sayin”
In my day anyone who lays in wait to shoot someone in the back is a sniveling coward!
Yep but its done every day now and over such small things often
You can tell he is a coward by that Yellow streak running down his back!
in my day, they would be swinging from a rope, tied up in a tree. Genesis 9:6 “we” should obey GOD, and NOT man (covid)
It was a cold-blooded murder.
She has a weird personality, I detest the medical establishment myself but I am quite satisfied to simply do all I possibly can to not need their services. There are many doctors that pushed the vile lie of the need for Covid shots and literally killed people with remdesiver and the stupid worse than useless ventilators. God will judge those monsters!
How about we just repeal obamacare? I stead of shooting people in the back!
just repeal obama(doesn’t)care, shoot them in the heart (firing squad)
Kevin, you are correct. Just repeal Obummercare. Doctors pushed the Covid jabs because they were forced to. If they advised patients NOT to get the jab, they’d be reprimanded or have their medical license revoked. My own doctor advised me to get the Covid jab, but I never did. My body, my choice.
“doctors were FORCED to” ? they took an oath, just like the corrupt gov’t. did? ALL should die, for committing mass murder.
She blames the medical insurance companies, when much of our disease today is a result of a diet loaded with vitamin and mineral depleted food, processed food (which removes vitamins and minerals further), our reliance on pharmaceutical meds instead of a healthier lifestyle, a lack of exercise, smoking, drinking, drugging, etc, etc, etc. The health insurance companies cannot fix the decades long results of our own bad choices. And, in most cases, neither can the doctors. They give us pills to treat symptoms as the problem gets worse, because the underlying cause is not addressed. We, not the doctors, and definitely not the insurance companies–are ultimately responsible for our own health. And, there is no quick fix, no easy way out. We need to grow our own food, sustainably, organically–while replenishing minerals in the soil. Or, we need to seek out and buy produce grown on small farms, sustainably, organically. We need to let go of all regular pharmaceutical meds–instead of relying on their convenience and comfort. We need to stop smoking, drinking, recreational-drugging. And we need to go out and get exercise, fresh air, and sunshine. Insurance companies have nothing to do with our own bad choices, and resulting bad health. We did it, not them, Taylor. And government-mandated health insurance, is straight out of a communist playbook. Business and profit from it, has made this country great. Never forget it, Taylor–because communism is pure hell, that will lead to the deaths of millions of Americans, including you, journalist.
Again, the pendulum swings wildly. If a person says, “I get it,” then he/she is a horrible person who is complicit in murder. Let’s talk turkey. If some gang banger gets offed with one in the back, it doesn’t make the news, usually, does it? It is the common response of society these days. Another one bites the dust. I have bodies drop in my area at least 3 times a weekend. We are desensitized and conditioned by games, media, school shootings, mass shooting. TV and the support of insane ideation that when one is upset, disrespected, looked at sideways, cut off in traffic, then SHOOT. Blow a hole in their heads, right? Take them out. SOOO…. My point is this. When someone says that person has reached the brink of anger, frustration, hopelessness this is what they do and due to the pathetic state of society today, we are NOT surprised, are we? To say, “I understand how this could happen” is not the same as saying “I agree with it” We are a culture that is out of control of our emotions, our schools, our kids, our morality. So, why are we surprised? This man had money, position, power, along with what all folks have, ie- family, home, personal life and he was gunned down, shot in the back. Sad, unacceptable, BUT, if he saying some janitor named for example, Jose Martinez, going home from work and shot in the back by some unknown… where would the rage, the outcry be? Just sayin”
Yes, doctors were “forced to”. It’s shocking to see how easily Americans were being manipulated.