Nothing is Built.
Nothing is Back.
Nothing is Better.
Will go down in history as one of the most disastrous and divisive failures ever, and we’re the “garbage” ? Shameful
Anyone voting for Harris had better reconsider ……it’s so plan to see.
She has no record other than neglect of the 1 job she was giving….and never even went to the border….DUH?? But hasn’t been to Europe
either….arrogant!! Where does she come off thinking we would trust
her with addressing all the other many issues we have? This is very
ridicules….can’t do one ? She will be way over head trying to read
the telepromptor with someones directions of what to do…maybe
from Obama, Rice, deep state, who knows…she doesn’t know.
It’s mind boggling to think ….she knows nothing and does nothing.
Putting this country in her hands is terrifying to even think about
that. She doesn’t care. She wants the title the benefits pension and
security she would get and ride off into the sunset leaving a path of
destruction behind her for the next administration to deal with it…
if …if ….we were to survive a Harris administration to begin with.
Wake up folks this is giving a grown up job to a kindergartner! We
can not allow that under any circumstances. Just take a hard look.
Everything she will consider participating in must be structured to
her demands or no go. I can just see how that would play out in’
the real world. She is very limited in all categories and must meet
her demands…Hey, that is not the real world. She will get us in
more trouble than we can imagine. So if you haven’t voted yet
please consider all these things before rubber stamping her….
it will be a disaster for 4 years. She is not up to the job…no proven
track record even close…..right now Trump is needed to fix the
problems……Thank you….
Anyone voting for Harris had better reconsider ……it’s so plan to see.
She has no record other than neglect of the 1 job she was giving….and never even went to the border….DUH?? But hasn’t been to Europe
either….arrogant!! Where does she come off thinking we would trust
her with addressing all the other many issues we have? This is very
ridicules….can’t do one ? She will be way over head trying to read
the telepromptor with someones directions of what to do…maybe
from Obama, Rice, deep state, who knows…she doesn’t know.
It’s mind boggling to think ….she knows nothing and does nothing.
Putting this country in her hands is terrifying to even think about
that. She doesn’t care. She wants the title the benefits pension and
security she would get and ride off into the sunset leaving a path of
destruction behind her for the next administration to deal with it…
if …if ….we were to survive a Harris administration to begin with.
Wake up folks this is giving a grown up job to a kindergartner! We
can not allow that under any circumstances. Just take a hard look.
Everything she will consider participating in must be structured to
her demands or no go. I can just see how that would play out in’
the real world. She is very limited in all categories and must meet
her demands…Hey, that is not the real world. She will get us in
more trouble than we can imagine. So if you haven’t voted yet
please consider all these things before rubber stamping her….
it will be a disaster for 4 years. She is not up to the job…no proven
track record even close…..right now Trump is needed to fix the
problems……Thank you….