Did you guys notice this during Kamala’s rally??



When did Trump ever call for the end of the Constitution this woman is such a liar

Notice how they arent calling her black anymore.
Candice Owens got her SPOOKED


  1. Such a liar! What she says about Trump is exactly what she has done, or is going to do. She’s already told you, pay attention

  2. They are using the communist playbook to take over – rape & pillage America. They accuse their opposition of that which they are doing. Narcississtic projection.

  3. What is sad, is that the people on the left are so brainwashed and broken down that they can’t see the Democratic party hell bent on destroying this country and enslaving the populace, it’s all about power to them. Doesn’t matter how much they lie. Even their Obummer said if you tell the people a lie long enough, they will start to believe it. And boy do they believe it.
    this is the most important time in American History. We need to break the Sheckels imposed upon us since WW II.

      • Antisemitism is alive and well.
        Just like they blame Trump for the economy, inflation, the invasion, Covid, employment numbers, and misinformation, people blame Jews for all the rest.
        It’s sickening.

  4. The same all the time Lie , Cheat , and still and if ask they say it works on there voters and that the way to win Never give you appoints have the advantage and for there voters lies work

  5. At least she doesn’t call her voters a fat pig like Trump did on his Michigan rally saying tell that fat pig to get off the couch and vote. How nice is that for a President and he swore so many times. If you want dictatorship then vote however you want. I believe JD Vance said that when they said that the immigrants were eating the neighbors cats and dogs he said that was not true. He just said it.

  6. Notice how dems distract from any subject having to do with Kamala as Kamala does the same to them .why do you think Kamala would change her cloths 2 or 3 different times in a 20 min. Speech . ? Lmao


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